A person who disregards her for the sake of the gods.

"You just said that your identity is special?" Bai Yan frowned and asked, "Can you tell me what is your identity?"

In the mind, the voice disappeared, and after a while, it sounded again.

"This identity, I also learned later, but it has been devastated! So I can't tell you for the time being, otherwise, it will inevitably hinder your future cultivation."

"And I, the reason why I left this soul is to tell you something, is there a dragon near you?" The voice was sad and slow.

Bai Yanyi: "What are you talking about?"

"Yes, you must protect her safety. She is the one who can protect you in the future. In addition, I am jealous of the four holy beasts, forgetting that you can find them for me."

Bai Yan has been stunned for a while: "Suzaku is still alive, I have already found the reincarnation of Qinglong and Baihu, and only Xuanwu is no longer this continent."

"Xuanwu?" The voice paused. "I remember that I buried it in another place. Its reincarnation will definitely appear there, but now it has been so long, I can't remember where it is. It is."

Her tone is stunned. After all, time has passed so long, and her memory is gradually disappearing...

"Forget it, you have a chance to meet each other." For a long time, the woman sighed. "I believe that he will wait for you somewhere."

Bai Yan looked up and wanted to find the trace of the woman. However, this space became white and foggy. She searched for a long time and never found a woman.

"You don't look for it, you can't see me, I don't want you to see me," the woman smiled shallowly. "You don't want to be curious about my looks. After all, you are me..."

Bai Yan’s nephew hangs down. If the woman says she is her, the battlefield she saw before in the illusion...

Is her past life?

"I heard that the keys to these three holy places can open miracles. I am here for this purpose. Only when my strength becomes stronger can I fight the realm!"

The woman laughed, her laughter was very pleasant, and she had a burst of embarrassment.

"I did hand over the things that opened this place to three people. I don't know where they went with these three keys. I didn't expect that these three keys would be passed down as miracles... ”

White Yan Emei, not a miracle?

These people in the spiritual world really ran for a while.

Fortunately, in this place, she got what she wanted to know, and it was clear that what happened in the battlefield was true.

"But..." The woman’s voice was once again. "The things I left are useless to others, but after all, you are me. For you, it is a miracle."

Bai Yan Shuguang shines: "How can I do this?"

"You don't have to do anything, let my soul merge with you, you can naturally break through as God..."

This voice is a little softer than the dignity of the previous majesty.

The strength of the gods is how many people yearn for it. Otherwise, the light feathers will not come to the mainland. What they do is only this miracle.

Bai Yan slightly picks pure: "Well, what do I need to do when I integrate with you?"

"You just need to resist my approach, and the next person and thing will come by me..."

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