Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 992: Break through the gods (four)

The miracle he said was the bronze door. Now that Bai Yan has not come out, he naturally does not want anyone to bother her.

Bai Changfeng sighed softly: "That would be the case, I am going to take a trip to the Blue House and take them over..."

The relatives of the Blue family, calculated and the mother of the Blue House Lady Dong Ruolan, are just nine people, but it is said that Yan Er is also very fond of the Queen Mother of the Fire Country, so that it is only ten people.

There is no problem in integrating more than ten people according to the Holy Island.


At this moment, the mainland is still as calm as water, and no one knows that the disaster is coming.

Inside the Blue House, Blue Master sat quietly in the chair. He looked at the white long wind sitting on the side. After half a dozen, he asked: "What you said is true?"

Bai Changfeng said with a wry smile: "I will use this kind of thing to deceive the world? Blue Master, if the blue family is born, Yan Er will be very sad, and please go with me to the Holy Island."

The blue master was silent. After half a ring, he slightly lifted the old eyes of the dim, and the old face raised a helpless smile.

"In the past few years, my father has seen the big winds and waves, will you be afraid of death? You will bring us my wife and my children and grandchildren, I want to stay."

"Father?" Bai Changfeng frowned. "What do you mean?"

Lan Laozi smiled bitterly: "The bluemen of these families have spent countless years with me. It is the most lonely period of the blue family. They are not leaving, but now, in this case, how can I Can you discard them for life?"

The words of Bai Changfeng suddenly fell into the throat, and he felt ashamed at this moment than the blue father.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and the old lady with a cane quickly came in.

Lan Yu and others followed her behind, for fear that she would be angry.

"You don't leave, but you want to drive us away? What is your old guy?"

The old lady has always been gentle and elegant, this is the first time she was so angry, the crutches in her hands were on the ground, and she was squeaky.

"Mrs!" Blue's father's throat was a little hoarse. "You take the Yuer and the Shaoling and they leave. Don't worry about me. Didn't the White Lord have already said it? We will go to the Beast's Forest to take refuge."

The old lady snorted: "Of course I heard the words of the White Lord, but how do you know that those people will not rush to the Forest of the Beast? Anyway, I don't care so much, wherever you go, I will go!"

The face of Blue Master is somewhat tangled. He does not want to abandon his men who are accompanying him. He also does not want his favorite person to die.

"Blue Master, please listen to me," Bai Changfeng coughed. "I am familiar with the monsters of the Beast's Forest. I will let them help those who protect you. They will also see For Yan’s sake, guard their safety, you don’t have to worry too much.”

"Really?" Blue Master looked puzzled at Bai Changfeng.

The white long wind shimmered and smirked: "If the blue master is willing to follow me to the Holy Island, I will help you with this. If you don't want to... I am not willing to help you, don't blame me for threatening you. Other than that, I have no other way."

He can't let the blue master go to the beast of the beast to risk, maybe those people do not taboo the demon world, but go to slaughter the beast of the beast?

Therefore, even with threats, he must let the blue master follow them to the Holy Island. Only there is the safest place.

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