"it is good."

Emperor Xiaoyun’s eyes lit up: “I want to eat the medicinal chicken he just said.”

When the food is in front, she will not care about Chu clothes first, nothing is more important than food...

Even more, she forgot, the reason why she let Tsing Yi follow Xiaomi, is to let Bai Yan first come out and see the monster is her.

"However, I still miss the pastry that you took me to eat in the country of the fire. When do we go back?"

Emperor Xiaoyun bit his finger, she always felt that the cake she had tasted was not like that one.

"There are opportunities in the future..."

Chu Yiyi grabbed the hand of Emperor Xiaoyun, and then pulled out the blue rhyme, and quickly flew out to the foothills of the Holy Land.

Churan suddenly looked at the direction of the three girls leaving, trembled: "Why do I have a feeling of going to the accident?"

White long wind is silent.

Chu Ran may not be clear, but he clearly knows that Emperor Xiaoyun’s ability to blame is not less than that of Chu’s clothes. These two gimmicks leave together and it is impossible to actually have an accident.

"The emperor Xiaoyun is a princess in the demon world, there will be nothing."

Even though Bai Changfeng thought so, he did not say it, but comforted him.

After hearing this, Chu Ran breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good. Every time the clothes leave my line of sight, it will cause trouble, so now I don't dare to be too far away from her..."

However, this time there is a princess in the demon world, the clothes will at least converge, and will not go out of trouble.

"Since things have been solved, they are all scattered. It’s just that the demon princess also said that there may be someone coming in the spiritual world. You better stay in the Holy Land. I will let people prepare rooms for you."

Chu Ran has recovered from the initial shock, Jun smiled, friendly and polite.

Others naturally have no meaning. After all, it is indeed the safest place in this holy place.

"Blue Master," Bai Changfeng smiled and looked at the blue father. "Now I don't need to live in this holy island. I sent people to the forest of the beast to pick up the people of the Blue House. Okay?"

"Okay," said the blue master, who arched his fist and gratefully said, "Thank you for the white door."

"Haha, don't thank me, my medicine door has accepted the blue family's feelings, and it is also appropriate to do this."

Bai Changfeng laughed.

"Just don't know when Yan will come out..."

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were looking towards the bronze gate not far away, with a little expectation in the eyes.

I don't know how this time, after the appearance of Bai Yan, her strength will be raised to what extent...


At this time, within the bronze-colored gate, the thunderstorms in the sky were everywhere, and the powerful thunder slammed into the white body.

The thunder that was produced during the alchemy was stronger than the thunder in the breakthrough.

If the refining medicinal herbs are sufficiently metamorphosed, the thunder will be more violent at the original level...

It is unfortunate that Bai Yan’s refining of the gods is a metamorphosis.

The power of thunder can be imagined.


A thunder blasted over the Dan furnace, and the Dan furnace trembled under the attack of lightning, and it immediately returned to calm.

"Fortunately, this Dan furnace is made of special materials to withstand the thunder. Otherwise, the general Dan furnace will be destroyed by the bombing under the thunder, and the medicinal herbs will be refining..."

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