Looking at the figure that Bai Changfeng left, Bai Yan’s smile gradually disappeared. Her eyes were filled with dangerous light, and her face was cold and murderous.

"England, huh..."

Since I really dare to come to the mainland to do something wrong, then she... there is no need to make this spiritual environment exist!

Just as the white face was indulging, Bai Changfeng and Wen Wuwei came together one after another, and it was Chu Ran who walked in the last place.

Chu Ran’s eyes contain a smile. He can say that he is looking at Bai Yan step by step. Now she has this kind of achievement, naturally it is gratifying.

"White-headed, congratulations, you finally got a miracle, this time it is sure to receive the goods."

"The harvest is indeed quite a lot," Bai Yan shrugged his lips. "I just heard my grandfather said that you all broke through to the holy order?"

"Haha!" Churan haha ​​laughed twice. "That's thanks to the miracle, let us all reach the Holy Order."

"So just right, I have a kind of remedy here, you can take it one by one."

Create a god, only the holy step can be taken, one Dan, one god, and no sequelae...

"What is this medicine?"

Bai Changfeng curiously took the medicinal herbs handed over by Bai Yan. He just wanted to take it, but he was stopped by a long arm.

"Grandfather, you should wait a little bit, this medicinal medicine is more powerful. Before taking the medicinal herbs, you should first disperse the people in the Holy Land."

Chu was shocked, since Bai Yan is so entrusted, it is to prove that the effectiveness of this drug is really strong.

He suddenly coughed twice: "I will do this thing, I will dismiss everyone around me and avoid spreading them."

After the words fell, Churan went out of the Holy Island and disappeared into the face of Bai Yan in a moment.

Bai Yan did not say much, quietly waiting for the return of Chu Ran, facing the eyes of Bai Changfeng and Wen Wuwei, she did not explain anything.

The efficacy of this remedy, after they take it, will naturally know that it is more useful than what she does.

After half a ring, the robes of the robes of the robes appeared again in her sight. She hooked her lips and asked with a smile: "The Lord, can those people disperse?"

"I have already let them wait on the holy mountain. Now the Holy Land is empty. I wonder if it is okay?"

Churan smiled twice, and the voice asked softly.

"Okay," Bai Yan lazy and stretched out. "You can take the remedy now. I will take a break for a while."

She no longer cares about these people, walks into the gazebo, leans back on the chaise longue, and squints at the people in front.

Bai Changfeng had long been unable to withstand the curiosity of his heart, swallowed the medicinal medicine in one bite, and the same was true of others. He did not hesitate to put the medicinal herbs in the mouth.

In an instant, a hegemonic force wandered through the body's meridians, causing their bodies to slam, as if there were infinite forces to be vented, so that their bodies could not control the trembling.

At this moment, Bai Yan’s voice came from the front: “What are you doing? Just sit down and practice.”


Everyone trembled and hurriedly sat down, letting the force that wanted to break through the body be used for several purposes and conquering it into Dantian.


Not far away, Bai Yan's hand held the back of the head, the eyebrows were lazy and domineering, her red lips were shallow, and a beautiful arc was provoked, and several people who were looking at the cultivation were smiling.

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