Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1023: A large group of breakthrough gods (3)

The always arrogant temperature is not so entangled in the white face, but the bright eyes are all curious.

"Everyone except them will withdraw from the Holy Land and wait on the mountain."

Bai Yan did not take out the medicinal herbs directly, but chilledly told the rest of the people.

Churan naturally understand what Bai Yan wants to do. He coughed twice and cleared his throat. He said, "Everyone comes with me. Now no one is allowed in the Holy Land."

"Xunzi, I want to stay."

Emperor Xiaoyun saw that Bai Yan wanted to expel them, and suddenly he screamed at the corner of his mouth.

The look of Bai Yan is softer: "You should go outside and wait for me, and you will be injured by these thunders here."

"No," Emperor Xiaoyun shook his head. "I am not afraid of these thunder, blind, you let me stay."

Her beautiful big eyes pitifully stared at the white face, and the little hand pulled her sleeves. The sweet and sweet voice made it impossible for anyone to refuse her request.

Bai Yan's eyelids picked up slightly, and looked up and down the eyes of Xiaosi, and suddenly, her eyes slammed and her face showed a slight change.

"Well, you stay."

After half a ring, Bai Yanfang nodded and promised: "Except for Emperor Xiaoyun, all people below the holy rank will leave the Holy Land. Otherwise, if you accidentally bury yourself here, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Her words were very serious. The people who were still hesitating hurriedly went outside the Holy Island and left as soon as they smoked.

For a moment, the entire Holy Island, except for the few new steps of the holy step, left only the Xiaoyun who was watching.

"You should also know the thunder in the Holy Land. What I can tell you now is, those thunders..." Bai Yan paused and continued, "I was born when my grandfather broke through the ranks."

This is like a thunder, and everyone is stupid.

At the beginning, Zheng Qi said that the day was because someone was breaking through the gods...

However, the people they think are white.

I did not expect that it would be Bai Changfeng them!

"Baby girl..." Ren Fang’s mouth pulled a few strokes. "I seem to remember that the White Gate Lord just arrived at the Holy Order."

The implication is that he broke through the holy order, how can he reach the **** level so quickly?

Bai Yansu took some hands and took out a few Dan bottles. The lips smirked and smiled: "You just saw the impact of the refining of the medicinal herbs. They used the gods to make the gods. Breaking through to the gods."

The voice of Ren Yi shivered: "You mean, can we break through the gods?"

"Yes, but anyone who arrives at the Holy Order can break through the gods by making the gods. After the people leave the holy land, you will take the medicine."

Bai Yan and a handful of medicinal herbs were sent to everyone present.

The flower stalk holds the medicinal herb in his hand, and looks up at the white face. Her voice is sobbing, and the charming eyes are filled with moist luster.

On the same day, she was seriously injured in her body and was rescued by Bai Yan. She also handed over Fenglou and swears allegiance to her for the rest of her life.

But she didn't think of it that one day, she could become the power of God!

That is the **** level!

Originally in the eyes of the world, it is almost the existence of a legend. How can she believe that she will have such a day?

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