"You don't want to call your mother. It doesn't matter. Just remember that we are your loved ones. Oh, yes, we have an enemy in our family. He is called Emperor Cang... He is also... a person who has harmed you!"

Bai Xiaochen dropped his throat.

Because of his head down, no one found the coldness in his eyes.

"Hey, let's go first, let him take a good rest, he will slowly accept this fact."

I sneered and looked at the white morning, my eyes flashing.

Anyway, he has taken the medicine. In this life, he can no longer recall the things he used to...

"it is good."

Dongfang nodded and stood up from the bed.

She finally looked at the white morning, and walked toward the door.

After they left, Bai Xiaochen’s sluggish face restored his previous look, but he did not stop, and immediately stood up from the ground and walked toward the next room.

Inside the house, the little leopard lay quietly in bed, his face pale and silent.

Bai Xiaochen quickly walked up to his bed and frowned. "The group of people just gave the leopard medicine."

He bit his lip, did not know where to take a dagger, cut the skin, let the blood seep into the lips of the little leopard.

"Fortunately, my mother has given me the medicine from a young age, so that I can not poison the poison, my blood can also solve the poison."

Blood infiltrated into the body of the little leopard from the lips, and his face gradually returned to ruddy, slowly opening his eyes.

At a glance, he saw Bai Xiaochen standing on the bedside, full of surprises: "Morning morning."


Bai Xiaochen hurriedly put his index finger on his lips and stopped the sound of the little leopard.

"You don't talk first, this demon wolf wants to harm us."

The little leopard glanced at it and couldn’t understand what Bai Xiaochen said.

"The bad guys gave us medicine, but they didn't know that I took the medicinal medicine from an early age. I was smothered with the medicine in the soup. It would be counted, so they mistakenly thought that I took the medicine."

Bai Xiaochen snorted, and these people still want to count him? Don't you know that he is not poisonous?

"Then we are going to leave?" The little leopard nervously grabbed Bai Xiaochen's hand and asked with concern.

Bai Xiaochen shook his head. "This group of people gave us medicines that make people feel amnesia. They pretend to be my mother, and I want to make me mistakenly think that my bad guys are my enemies. I can't leave like this."

"That..." The little leopard was full of worry.

"I want to wait for this bad guy! They want to use me to hurt the bad guys, then I will definitely come!" Bai Xiaochen's little face raised a sly smile. "I just used these people to find my bad guys." ”

The little leopard blinked. Although he did not understand a lot of things, the only thing he knew was that Bai Xiaochen’s decision would not be wrong.

"Okay, then I will stay with the devil wolf, and wait for you with you."

"Little Leopard, you can rest assured that they can't hurt you," Bai Xiaochen patted the head of the little leopard. "In addition, you have to pretend to lose your memory. Don't let those people see it, lest my plan be revealed."

"I know."

The little leopard solemnly nodded and said it cleverly.

Bai Xiaochen finished the words he said, and he sneaked away from the room of the little leopard.

Perhaps he was too confident in his medicine and did not send anyone to guard Bai Xiaochen. This gave Bai Xiaochen a chance to wake up the little leopard...

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