His voice was fierce, his face was under pressure, and he was so shocked that he could not say more.

"Okay, you continue to please the kid. In addition, he is not prepared, and he will put some medicine into his bowl. I want him to be completely used by me!"

In the eyes of the blind, I crossed a cold mang, cold channel.

The throat of Dongfang’s throat with a whimper: “Hey brother, that kid, is it really lost?”

"Is this still fake? I have tried the efficacy of the drug. I can't have a fake. He will never remember anything before!"

I said vowed.

The oriental cockroach lowered her eyebrows, and she always felt that the kid was not as simple as what they saw on the surface...

"Hey, the child brought by the Prince, how can we solve it?" asked the East.

"Don't worry about him, I gave him the medicine for amnesia, but I was afraid that he would be a bad thing. Now he has no memory, and naturally he can't break our big thing."

The East’s incomprehensible Emei: “If you are afraid of his bad things, you will kill him directly. Why bother him?”

He sneered: "You didn't see it, the talent of the little leopard is also good? When the devil wolf is lacking, if it is cultivated well, he will bring us great use to the demon wolf..."

The East suddenly realized that she understood the instinct.

At the same time, she was a little shy in her heart, she could never think of these problems...

"I understand, my brother, I will do what you want, no matter how much the little devil will go too far, I will try my best to please him."

"You understand."

My heart quietly let out a sigh of relief. He shouldered his back with one hand and said faintly: "It won't take long for the king to come. This is our demon wolf... the best chance!"

Fortunately, the old man who came out of his home did not come back. Otherwise, it would be extremely inconvenient for him to do whatever he wanted. The old man was timid and afraid to stop him.

The oriental cockroach biting her lip, she saw the face full of confidence, and there was more anxiety in her heart, or was it pressed by her...


These days.

The government has changed the tranquility of the past and has become a dog.

Since Bai Xiaochen came to the government, it was not tossing the oriental gongs. It was a fire that burned the kitchen, so that the government could not open fire for several days.

But this time, he was even more excessive, and when he was not paying attention, he ran to the treasure house of the owner's house and directly cleaned up the items in the treasure chest.

Then, another fire burned the treasure chest.

This time, he was a big scorpion, and he was scared by the Eastern cockroaches. She hurriedly let the maids in the government clean up the mess and rushed out to find cockroaches.

"Oh, it’s not good, the big thing is not good, the kid burned his father’s treasure chest..."


In the teahouse, the ceramic teacup in the hands of the cockroaches accidentally fell on the ground. He stood up quickly and breathed with a little rush.

"What did you say? The kid burned his father's treasure chest?"

The East is in a hurry and sweats: "Hey, what should I do now? When my father returns, I will certainly not forgive us."

He recovered from the initial shock. He slowly sat down and shimmered in the light: "If I can become the king of the demon world, what is a treasure house? If the father wants, I can Collect those treasures for him."

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