The reason why he left the protection flow light feathers, one is to repay, the second is... she is her daughter.

She has passed away, how can he let her daughter go on her old road.

"You dream!"

He Feixiang clenched his fist tightly, his eyes became red, his fists were pinched and his face was blue and violent.

"My spiritual environment will never be destroyed!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Turkic, Junyi laughed, and the laughter swayed in the night sky, looking harsh.

Laughing and laughing, his tears flowed from his eyes, and his old eyes stared at the dark night sky, as if he had seen the gentle woman like the water...

The smile on his face grew more and more, and he reached out and wanted to go to the illusion of the night sky.


His old fingers still have to encounter that phantom in the future, and the body is turned into annihilation in the evening wind.

Since then, it has disappeared into this world...


Under the night in the distance, the light plume that was rushing away was shocked. She felt as if she had noticed something and turned her head to the place where she fled.

"Jun old!"

Tears couldn't stop falling from her beauty, her voice was trembling, her lips squinting, for fear that the sound would attract the crowd.

For a long time, she put down her hand and bit her lip tightly: "You can rest assured, always, one day, I will avenge you, let these people who killed you, broken bones!"

She finally looked at the direction of the brightly lit, firmly turned and flew away in the direction of the spirit, and instantly disappeared into the night.

Just after the flow of light feathers left, several gods slammed from the distance and stood in the void.

"If there is no guess, the lady must have escaped to this place. The spiritual master has orders. When she sees the lady, she will kill innocent!"

The murderous voice echoed in the night. Then, these people disappeared from the sky and chased away in the direction that Liu Yu had just left.


Under the night, the speed of the light feathers running is extremely fast. She feels that a few strong breaths behind her are forced to come, and the rush of cold sweat flows down the head.

"I am going to the demon world right away... I can be saved if I go to the demon world!"

Thinking of the death of Junxi, the light feathers clenched her fists tightly, and she took a deep breath and took a deep breath, and the speed on her feet did not accelerate.

Seeing the door of the demon world, then, the face of the light feathers flashed a joy, she looked back, this eye, scared her soul.

Because the rear, several gods have already chased over, only a few steps, it has already come to it.

However, the flow of light feathers at this time delayed the time of breathing because of the return, and the few gods appeared in this opportunity, blocking her.

The flow of light feathers stepped back a few steps. She looked at the demon world and was only a hundred meters away from her, and her eyes showed a panic.

"Several elders, I am not thin when I am in the spiritual world, do you really want to do this to me?" Flowing light feathers clenched his fists tightly and asked with a pale face.

"Sorry, miss, we are also ordered to act, the spirit of the Lord issued an order, you must die!"

One of the old men in the gray robes moved forward two steps, and looked down at the light plume standing in front of him. His voice was cold and ruthless, full of chilling gas.

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