If I didn't hear the Emperor Cang, the eyes of Chu Yifeng still focused on Bai Yan.

It seems that this world, he can notice, only her

Bai Yan appeased the hand of the Emperor Cang, and then turned the smiley scorpion to Chu Yifeng: "Yi Feng, you don't have to worry about me, he is very good to me, and I am now pregnant with her child."

Chu Yifeng put the hands on both sides tightly, his heart seemed to be held by one hand, and the pain could not extricate himself.

In order to prevent Bai Yan from worrying, his handsome face is gentle and his mouth is rising: "So, I am relieved of the child, I have nothing to ask for in this life, as long as you have a good life, it is enough."

Churan looked at Bai Yan, and looked at his son, sighed.

Lang has a sentimental, unintentional, he also wants to match the two people before, but Bai Yan has no feeling for Yifeng.

This is really a pity.

"Yan, what did you say, are you pregnant again?"

Bai Changfeng suddenly forgot the occasion, the excited beard trembled: "Is it not you are deceiving us old guys?"

Bai Yan smiled, she did not speak, Bai Xiaochen had already left the arms of Chu Yifeng, proudly raised his head.

"Mother has a little sister, it is the little sister of the morning, and will protect her sister in the morning, and will not let any bad guys bully her! Especially the bad guys who bully the mother like this!"

Bai Yanhan Yan, always feel that the road to her own son-in-law is not very good.

A overbearing father-in-law, a big sister of a sister.

Whoever sees her daughter, the road she takes is bound to be very difficult.

"Chu Shengzhu, grandfather, grandmother, and several masters, can you be injured just now?" Bai Yan turned his eyes to the crowd and asked.

Bai Changfeng shook his head: "Thanks to the timely return of Chu Shaozhu, we have not suffered any harm, otherwise, I am afraid"

Later, Bai Changfeng did not say it, but Bai Yan also understood what he meant.

This time, if Chu Yifeng comes back in time, I am afraid that they will be in danger.

The dawn of Bai Yan turned to He Feixiang, and the brow gently raised. He smiled and asked: "You are the spiritual master of the spiritual world? The father of the light feathers?"

He Feixiang trembled. Since the appearance of Emperor Cang, he recognized his identity. Now he heard the question of Bai Yan, and he immediately closed his mouth and said nothing.

"Emperor Cang, you help me to abolish his strength, and then send people to send him back to the spiritual environment." Bai Yan faint lips, the voice is faint.

Bai Changfeng and others looked at each other and did not understand where Bai Yan made the decision. However, they did not ask for an exit.

On the contrary, He Feixiang was full of desperate looks. After Bai Yan’s words fell, he suddenly raised his head and his eyes were filled with joy.

Is this woman going to put her a life?

Bai Yan said nothing, sneer at the lips, then she stretched out and said: "I am a little tired, go to rest first, morning, we go."

"it is good."

Bai Xiaochen ran to Bai Yan's side, cleverly holding her hand, his face with a naive smile, the bright voice is like a star.

"As for these other gods, grandfather, you can handle it, by the way, see how your strength is consolidated."

Bai Yan yawned, and after dropping the words, he took Bai Xiaochen's hand and went outside the door.

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