Bai Yanyi, this noticed that her belly was indeed a lot bigger, her eyes flashed a strange: "Dang Cang, how long have I been sleeping?"

"Three months." Emperor Cang's gentle eyes stared at the woman beside him, his voice said softly.

Upon hearing this, Bai Yan subconsciously let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she woke up in time, otherwise she would be late for a while, and she would be on the day of labor. At that time, if she did not wake up, she would inevitably be in distress.

"Emperor Cang, promise me, no matter what happens in the future, you must wake me up, I don't want my child to be in any danger."

Emperor Cang tightly held the hand of Bai Yan: "Sorry, I have not been able to protect you..."

If... If he can appear earlier, maybe Yan will not suffer such a serious injury.

"Emperor Cang, this does not blame you, it is me who left you, nothing to do with you."

Bai Yan turned to look at Bai Xiaochen on the side, raised his hand and gently rubbed his little head: "Morning, you are fine, next time this happens again, don't come out again, okay?"

The grievances of her grievances in her heart, but she is also worried about Bai Xiaochen, if she is really occupied by the grievances, maybe... so lively and lovely little buns, she can no longer see.

And this consequence is far beyond her tolerance.

Bai Xiaochen's two hands are holding the waist of Bai Yan. His movements are very careful, for fear that he will hurt the fetus in her belly.

"Mother, the morning said that I want to protect you. If it is... If he can protect his mother, the morning willing to disappear."

The little buns hang down, but unfortunately, once the guy occupies the body, he will become unrecognizable, and if he wants to have his thoughts, there is only one way to do it...

Just... just like that, he needs to leave the mother forever.

He can't bear it, what should I do?

Bai Xiaochen’s big eyes were filled with tears, and the committee was stubbornly holding the white face.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that he will never see his mother...

"Morning," Bai Yan lowered his body and embraced the soft body of the little buns. She did not find his abnormality. It was just as comfortable as ever. "You will not disappear, you will always be with me, this life, I won't let you leave."

Bai Xiaochen’s little face raised a bright smile: “Well, the morning child loves the mother, let the morning leave the mother, the morning is... I can’t bear it.”

Moreover, he has not taken care of his sister, what if the **** who occupied his body bullied his sister?

and so……

For this world, he has too many nostalgia, too much disappointment, so that he has not been determined to leave forever.

"Right, little dragon?"

What suddenly thought of Bai Yan, his brow scorned: "I usually wake up, and the girl will run over for a while. Why don't I see her now?"

Emperor Cang looked at his eyes in amazement, and this was remembered. Since Bai Yan came to the demon palace, Xiao Longer did not appear.

And he is all in his body, and he has only discovered this.

"This..." Long Yan trembled and stood up, his mouth twitching gently. "She has left."


Bai Yan’s heart twitched a bit, and there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes: “You said that Longer left, she is unfamiliar with her life here, where can she go?”

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