"Okay," Emperor Cang's slender fingers stroked Bai Yan's hair, and the smile was absolutely beautiful. "I will give it to me. She is your righteous daughter. It is also my daughter. I will not let people." Hurt her."

Bai Xiaochen said with a small mouth: "Bad egg, how have you never been so good to me?"

Emperor Cang's nephew is sweeping toward Bai Xiaochen, his tone is low and hegemony: "You are the demon king, the emperor man, as a man, your duty is to protect your mother and your sister, how do you expect this king to spoil you?"

When I heard this, Bai Xiaochen was not angry. On the pink and childish face, he raised a firm color.

"Oh, yes, the morning is a man, the man can't be spoiled, the girl is used to spoil. In the future, the morning will take on the responsibility of a man, protecting the people of the emperor and the devil."

Bai Yan looked at this big one, and the tension immediately disappeared suddenly and smiled.

She raised her beauty and turned her eyes to Longyan and Half-City. She brows her head gently: "Before, I have already canceled the contract with you. You have gained freedom. Why are you here?"

Long Yan carefully looked at the Emperor Cang, and after seeing the man's expressionless expression, his heart blew a few points.

Look at him like he doesn't know him, but there is nothing wrong with this feeling. He is clearly the one.

Just don't understand, how does he seem to remember nothing, but also fallen to the king of the demon world? Is it with this woman?


The words in Long Yan’s heart did not say it. He took back his eyes and looked at Bai Yan again.

"In my impression of Longyan, all human beings are insidious and sinister, and they are cruel and sinister, but... when you are in the most dangerous time, you choose not to drag me down with the half-falling city, and we are free, we are not unhappy. People, this time, I am willing to contract with you."

Bai Yan raised his eyebrows, and Long Yan’s decision was outside her accident.

She dismissed the contract with the two monsters on the same day, and did not consider too much. Anyway, she was going to die. Why bother to drag two backs? They also have no deep hatred, so they are free at the end.

Unexpectedly, her behavior can give Long Yan such a big feeling.

"You don't hate me? I remember you couldn't wait to lick my skin, smoke my ribs, drink my blood."

The cold sweat on Longyan’s forehead has already flown.

Because, he has already seen the sinister eyes of Emperor Cang to cast his eyes, the eyes are really tremble.

Suede cramps drink blood?

Give him a hundred courage, he does not dare!

Long Yan wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled slyly: "I just don't want to be contracted by you, not as serious as you think. Besides, now I am not willing to give you a servant?"

Bai Yan smiled and turned his gaze to the half-fall city.

"You decided that way too?"

Half-falling city bite her lip, does she dare to disagree?

If she does not agree, Long Yan will immediately calculate the old account with her, she can still survive?

"I have no opinion."

"Well, since this is your decision, then I will continue to contract with you now."

Bai Yan closed her eyes and let the mental power spread out, because at this moment, the Emperor Cang was pressing, and they were willingly contracted, so she signed the soul mark without any resistance.

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