Her wounds are large, perhaps intentional, so she has not let the wounds recover, so as not to suffer the pain of another knife.

For a moment, there is already a small bowl of blood in the bowl.

Xiao Linger throws the bowl and throws it to Ling Zun.

Ling Zun was shocked and quickly raised his hand and caught the bowl thrown over.

"If you cherish, fast, take this blood down." Ling Zun's eyes flashed a joy, and hurriedly turned to the side of Yun Ruoxi.

He was watching the blood of the bowl with his own eyes, and with the age of Xiao Linger, he did not think about other things.

More importantly, these old men of the shrine have never only learned to practice, do not understand the world and conspiracy, or they will not be deceived by a cloud for so many years.

If the cloud is stunned, the color of the horror appears in the eyes: "Ling Zun, this... This is not very good, let me drink blood... I can't drink it."

In case... her body really recovered, wouldn't she have to shoulder the responsibility of these old men for her?

No, no!

She didn't want to save any gods. What do the lives and deaths of those people have to do with her? Why does she have to sacrifice herself for others?

"If you swear, you are the only hope of our shrine," Ling Zun frowned and sighed. "And, only if you recover your body, our shrine can stand up, you don't want to be a god." Cangsheng pays all? Now it’s just a bowl of blood, why not?”

The face of Yun Ruo’s face became more and more pale, and the corner of his mouth shook softly.

She knew that she could not refuse.

If it is rejected, the previous statements are not self-defeating?

"I just feel too cruel, but for the sake of the gods, I am willing to drink."

Yun Ruoxi closed his eyes and took a sip of blood and drank it.

After she had finished drinking the blood, the bowl in her hand trembled and fell to the ground and smashed.

And her whole face was pale, and a blood spurted out of her throat. Her body slammed back a few steps and almost planted it on the ground.

"If you regret!!!"

Ling Zun 睚眦 睚眦 , , , , , , , 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌 凌

Xiao Linger’s expression is a bit sluggish.

Apparently it was scared to look like a fool.

Yes, no matter how strong this gimmick is, she is just a two-year-old child.

In addition, her father fell down and no one protected her. Ling Zun’s roar was not intimidating her.

"I don't know what's going on..." Xiao Linger frowned. "But I only know that if a person's heart is very bad and bad, her blood will be poisoned, so she... sure It is a bad person with a heart and soul."

Humph! Let you hurt your mother and mother, let you want my blood, I really thought that there is no protection for my mother, can I let you kill?

"Shantou, what do you say nonsense? If you are so kind and gentle, how can you feel bad in your heart? Only you are vicious, I want to kill you!"

Ling Zun’s body trembled and looked like a young man.

Xiao Linger blinked his eyes: "Uncle Uncle, when a person dies, will blood also solidify?"


The mouth of the mouth was soaked, until now, she realized what Xiao Linger had done.

To poison yourself, let the venom flow in the blood, so as to poison the cloud?

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