Bai Ning’s eyelids gently picked up and slowly exhaled.

"Great elder, you take Linger a little away, I am afraid of accidentally hurting her."

The elders just wanted to respond, and the cockroaches on the side had already taken the first two steps, took the little hand of Xiao Linger and stepped back a few steps.

His eyes were always on Bai Ning, with a meditation in his eyes.

Bai Ning saw Linger leave her side, the expression on her face disappeared, and the indifference of the dawn swept toward Ling Zun.

"There is a gap between Xuan Shen and Xuan Shen, but these gaps have nothing to do with Bai Ning."

"I also said that I have never been a white-nine, and it is no longer Bai Ning who escaped from the Jingu Palace."

The strength of Bai Ning’s body is becoming more and more fierce, such as the waves, sweeping past, powerful and mighty.

Ling Zun’s disapproval expression was awkward, and he felt what he felt. He quickly pushed the cloud around him: “If you are sorry, be careful.”

Yun Ruoxi still does not know what happened, she only knows that the pain is all over her body. Under Ling Zun’s push, her body is like an arrow from the string, and she quickly falls out.

Straight out twenty or thirty meters.

When she reacted, she saw that the whole momentum of Bai Ning had changed.

This kind of breath... let the cloud have a feeling of fear.

She bit her lip, and regardless of the Ling Zun under the threat of Bai Ning, hurriedly ran towards the direction behind her.

If the cloud runs fast, afraid that he will hesitate a little, he will fall into the abyss...

As for Ling Zun’s life and death... What about her? Anyway, she just used it for him, never thought about giving it to heart!

Moreover, Ling Zun is willing to die for her, that is his own choice, and has nothing to do with her!

He wanted to chase after the clouds, and Xiao Linger took his hand and shook his head at him.

"She will be back."

Because she is already poisoned, no one can help her solve this kind of remedy in the world.

The most important thing now is Bai Ning.

I don't know why, Xiao Linger always feels that she can be relieved if she leaves her. Otherwise, what if the grandmother is injured?

Mother knows that it will be distressing...

"Ha ha."

Under the emptiness, Bai Ning’s low sneer voice came from her, her beautiful face was always expressionless, white clothes won the snow, and Yang grew with the wind.

"You want to protect her...but this seems to ignore your life and death."

Ling Zun’s face is embarrassing: “If she told me that she was not afraid of death, she could not die, because she understood what her mission was, and she would do it for the sake of the gods.”

Bai Ning smiled.

She seems to have heard a funny joke, and it is ironic to laugh.

The elders and others are also embarrassed. They have never seen such a high-sounding person who said something, and she said that she could not die because of the gods.

In fact, she is greedy and afraid of death.

At this time, the storm on the Bai Ning sword is generated, which seems to have the power to destroy the earth.

Under this power, Ling Zun’s old face was pale.

At this moment, he realized that from the beginning, he underestimated Bai Ning.

When she first broke through the gods, she could smash the shrine. Now she has reached the metaphysical level. How can she compare with other mysterious gods?

Ling Zun bit his teeth, his heart crossed, and he went to the strong sword wind.


A loud noise was passed down by the void.

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