"Ling Zun, you have not discussed this with us this time, and you have done this, it really makes us chilling."

The face of Xuan Zun is very cold, cold channel: "However, no matter what contradiction in our shrine, it can be solved in the future. Nowadays, it is imperative to find a way to save it."

It has been a few days since I came back from the demon world. During these few days, the physical condition of the cloud has become more and more serious. If I continue to drag on, I am afraid that there will be no power...

"Now it seems that we only have one way..."

He saw the congregation silently and continued: "Lin Zong also said that the demon emperor has been injured, his combat ability is obviously insufficient. Today, the demon city has only one Bai Ning, we will immediately send it down. The shrine order allows the gods to join the demon city together!"

In the realm of the gods, not only the shrine will have mysterious gods, but some mysterious gods will not join the shrine and live in seclusion.

Once the strength reaches the mysterious god, even the shrine can't force them to do something.

Therefore, Xuan Zun will say this.

Huang Xin was silent for a while: "So... really useful?"

Xuan Zun slightly indulged: "I just let them attract the attention of Bai Ning. At that time, after I and Ling Zun, as long as the demon princess is caught, there is a way to force her to hand over the antidote."

He did not believe that there was only one antidote in the hands of the demon princess, but she refused to take it out.

"This is indeed the only way..."

If you can't die, if she is dead, the gods will not be saved.

There are some people in the realm of the world who are dissatisfied with the shrine, but they understand that they are arrogant, so if the shrine sends out orders, those people will definitely come!

Bai Ning is only one person. Many masters of the gods are united. She is not an opponent.


On the bed, Yun Ruoxi coughed twice, her pale face slightly raised, and a weak smile said: "Yes, I want to go with you."

Her voice was extremely weak, smaller than the sound of the flies, but the frowns of the presence were frowned.

"If you are not, your physical condition is not very good, are you sure to go with us?" Xuan Zun Wen asked.

In the face of such a pure and beautiful girl, they can't bear to say a heavy word, for fear of scaring her.

Yun Ruoxi smiled: "I can hold it, you so many people are working hard for me, how can I hide here? Xuan Zun, I am not afraid of death, I also believe that ... you can protect me."

The demon world is going to be subverted, and the children of Bai Yan... are also dead.

How can she be absent during this important moment?

What's more, her amulet was also robbed by the demon world, this time, she must go back.

As for the things that Ling Zun said about Bai Ning, Yun Ruoxi is not on the mind.

Bai Ning is stronger, can he be strong over the Emperor? Emperor Cang has been seriously injured, who can resist the thousands of horses in the realm of the demon world?

This time, the demon world is destined to be overthrown...

"If you want to go, let's go, but I am curious about one thing. Why do those people in the demon world want to take away the amulet? After all, this amulet...not anyone can use it."

Xuan Zun frowned again.

For the demon world, the amulets are as cumbersome and have no effect, but they still snatched the amulet, and did not know why.

Hearing these words, the other sacred faces of the shrine are also not good-looking, and there is an angry light in the light.

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