Outside the demon city, there is a ripple.

Numerous powerful people will be able to escape the water around the city, and even flies are difficult to escape.

Looking from afar, the sky is full of dense, like the sky above the head is covered by dark clouds.

"Let everyone in the demon world, let us out!"

Let everyone in the demon world roll out!

Under the sky, the echoes.

This high voice echoed in the city, and it has not dispersed for a long time...

At this moment, a snow figure came with the wind, her figure was very ethereal, such as Xian Rusheng, in the blink of an eye has already reached their eyes...

This is a beautiful woman, her white clothes are light, her lips are smiling with a shallow smile, her glory is condescending, and she looks at the many powerful people around the city.

"You are the demon city?"

The old man in a linen robes slowly stepped forward, his eyes narrowed slightly: "If I didn't notice the mistake, you should... is it a personal class?"


The crowd is in vain.

As a human being, it is really shameful and hateful to fight against the beast and to fight the same kind of war.

"How about human beings? The queen of the demon world is my daughter, then I will never allow anyone to move this demon city!" Bai Yan sneered, ironically said.

Also, when she finished, the guards of the demon world had already come out from the gate of the city and stood host to the opposite human beings.

Long Yan and the half-falling city are standing next to Bai Ning.

Although they know that they can't do anything with their current strength, but Bai Ning is the mother of the queen, they can't back down.

"This lady," the old man saw that the other person was a human being, but there was no previous murderousness. He frowned and sighed and said, "You should know the purpose of our coming here, and see it as a human being. You hand over the little princess of the demon world, I will guarantee you nothing."

Other saints do not have the same power as the shrine, but the fear of death is the same for all.

When the robbery is approaching, no one can escape to death. Only the cloud of the Jingu can save the world.

Therefore, this time, they will follow the orders of the shrine, and come here to encircle the demon city.

Everything...just to get the little princess.

Bai Ning Rong Yan shrouded in coldness and sneered: "The life and death of the gods have nothing to do with me. Linger is my granddaughter. I am today... even if I am buried here, I will not let you step further!"

When she was in a flash, she rushed down from the void, and the white figure was in front of everyone. The arrogance was like the cold mountain snow plum, and the cold temperature dropped a little.

"If so, then we can only be rude to you!"

The old man’s dawn changed. They did not wait for the arrival of the shrine, and they took the lead in moving Bai Ning...

The war is on the verge!

The sky is thundering and thundering, and the gloomy atmosphere seems to be against this war.

Among these people who came to the world of God, in addition to a few realms of mysterious gods, there are countless other powerful people.

These people saw that the old man had already moved his hands and no longer hesitated. He quickly pulled out his weapons and rushed into the beasts of the demon world...

Kill, scream, growl.

Countless sounds rang on the battlefield, and the blood that spattered infiltrated the ground, dyeing the entire ground into bright red.

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