Even if Bai Yan let the people of the demon world **** the heavens, what about? The people of the gods will never believe her...

Moreover, Yun Ruoxi also determined that Bai Yan did not have the ability to open the amulet. If she could really open it, why would she send the days to her in the same year?

Presumably... This amulet may not be her thing, perhaps it is not necessarily that she grabbed it from someone else.

The sly dawn was getting colder and colder. Originally, he wanted to continue to delay the time. When the emperor woke up, he didn’t need him to shoot...

But he underestimated the trust of these people in the realm of the gods, he could not do it.

"If the cloud is cherished, I mistakenly believed you and made a big mistake... Today, I will use my life as a testimony. After that, I am only for the demon world, and have nothing to do with the gods!"


The momentum of the hustle and bustle of the storm, like a storm, more than a few times more than just.

If he said that his breath would only make you feel guilty, nowadays, it is already a shock.

虞翊 Gently close your eyes, your face was touched with a choice of death. After half a ring, he opened his eyes, his eyes flashed coldly, countless gusts of wind started from the whole body, and then exploded, and rushed to Ling Respect and others.

Ling Zun’s eyes have changed from horror to fear, and he can feel the tremor that his power has brought him.

Therefore, he did not say anything, turned and ran towards the rear.

Other honors have also reacted. They have no time to think about why the demon city has such a strong person, and it has already gone quickly.

But their speed can't keep up with the sly attack...


The slowest one of the sages did not escape the power of the scorpion. Even though the body rushed forward, it fell heavily on the ground, and blood rushed out from the mouth, with a look of horror in the eyes. Hey.


I didn’t waste so much time. After hitting one, he flashed and fell behind the Supreme. The sword in his hand fell into his chest, and the blood bloomed like a rose. Red on the ground.

When Ling Zun turned back, he happened to see this scene. He looked up stiffly. His eyes fell on the cold face of the man. The old face was white and he asked, "Who are you?"

"The queen is my savior."

Because she is my savior, I will not allow anyone to harm his family.

The body of Yun Ruo’s body trembled, and the hand held the tree beside him. Her fists were tighter and tighter, and blood drenched from the palm of her hand.


Why did you not play such a powerful force when you followed her?

Why is it that when he arrives at Bai Yan... his strength has become so powerful.

This man... is he intentional?

Deliberately hiding strength in front of her, not willing to work for her?

If the cloud gnaws his teeth, his body trembles more and more.

I have to say that she misunderstood this time. The reason why he hides his strength is that he does not want the enemy to find his trace. Now... For the demon world, for the sake of Bai Yan, he can't take care of it.

In the sky, the dark clouds are tumbling, and there seems to be a purple thunder that will fall through the dark clouds.

There was a fluster in his cold eyes. He didn't think that he had just used his strength, and those people had already found his whereabouts.

But the movements in his hands did not stop, not a moment, and there was another mysterious **** buried in his hands.

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