Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1473: The power of the heavens (5)


Unexpectedly, this woman actually did not have a soul to fly, but also survived...

Bai Yan slowly closed her eyes, and ignored the words of Ling Zun. She seemed to be immersed in her own world, and the beautiful face was with a piece of peace.

"Grandma, how is the mother-in-law?" Bai Xiaochen nervously took Bai Ning's hand, and his big eyes looked at Bai Yan without hesitation. The little face was full of fear.

He is already scared... He is afraid that the incident just happened again, and he is afraid... the mother will leave him.

Bai Ning did not speak, she fixedly looked at Bai Yan, did not know what she was thinking...


Suddenly, there was a ray of light on the amulet. This warmth was not only shrouded in white, but even the wind-eroded bird beside her was gradually recovering from the light.

Xuan Zun originally wanted to continue to persuade Bai Yan to return to the heavens.

After all, these days are only useful if they are ruthless, and they are only wasted at hand, and... If they have gotten the heavens, they may be able to withstand this catastrophe. Bai Yan will be saved herself.

However... When I saw the light that shrouded her and the wind-eroded bird, the expressions of Xuan Zun and others suddenly froze, and all the words choked in the throat and could not make a sound.

what happened?

Why do they not understand?

The amulet that belongs to the cherished, reacted to Bai Yan, is this kidding?

Yun Ruoxi first stunned, and a panic flashed from the beauty. She struggled toward Bai Yan and reached out to grab the amulet on her hand...


Suddenly, the light shrouded in the white body will rush to the nearby cloud if the bomb flies out, and the wolverine falls out of the tens of meters, and the blood in the mouth is constantly coming out.

She was poisoned. Although this poison did not affect her strength, it only caused her great pain, but... this pain made her body difficult to bear weight, and under the defense of the amulet, she never again Can't stand it, look white and look white.

"White Yan, it's mine, it's mine, you still me, you give me what belongs to me..."

This amulet was given to her by Bai Yan, that is her, why did she take it back?

In the past, Xuan Zun and others all rushed to help Yun Ruo from the ground. This time, no one cares about her.

The streets at the gates of the city seemed to be quiet. Except for the thunder of the sky, no one made any more noise, which made the night sky look a little strange...

"I don't remember what happened a thousand years ago."

Under the power of the heavens, the thunder and lightning in the sky are not close to the body of Bai Yan.

Her eyes were filled with sneer, coldly watching Yun Ruowei: "But... I have had a dream, I dreamed that I personally gave the gods a little girl called Ruo, I hope the heavens can Protect her safely, but if I knew you were such a white-eyed wolf a thousand years ago, I am afraid... these days will never fall into your hands."

Until this moment, the people of the Jingu Palace realized what it means to be a good one.

This stick, all of them are fainting, and they are so stiff that they can't move.

Bai Yan said... This amulet is what she gave to her?

With their understanding of Ruo Shi, if they can't lie, they should not believe in Bai Yan.


The amulet's move just now has made the best interpretation.

It protects the white face!

(End of this chapter) ~ 7k ~


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