Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1475: It turns out that they are all fools who are jealous of her (2)


Xuan Zun did not hold back and laughed. His twilight was full of pain, and the look that looked to Yun Ruo was even more disappointing.

"Xuan Zun, you listen to me, it is not like this..." Yun Ruoxi shook his head and shook his head, biting his lips, tears on his eyes.

Xuan Zun closed his eyes and opened it for a long time: "You want us to believe you again. It is not impossible. If you can hold the amulet, we will believe you."

When I heard this, the eyes of Yun Ruo’s eyes suddenly brightened. This amulet has been brought to her for so many years. Even if it does not respond to her, it will not be too resistant to her.

If you want, Yun Ruoxi stood up with the broken body, and rushed toward Bai Yan.

Bai Yan did not have a routine cloud, and she did not dodge. She was only immersed in her own world and had already ignored others.

Seeing that Bai Yan did not have any move, Yun Ruoxi gnawed his teeth and raised his hand to grab the amulet from her palm.


Bai Ning was so angry that he just wanted to push the cloud away. Who knows that there is a golden light suddenly on the amulet, and a slamming bang on the chest of Yun Ruo...

The body of Yun Ruo’s body was unbearably burdened. Under this time, she fell to the ground again, and the blood could not stop flowing.

But even more shocking, it was just a sudden attack of the amulet.

It actually... Don’t you even touch the cloud if you touch it?

Yun Ruo’s face was pale, and his body fell softly on the ground, and there was a despair in the beauty of tears.


Oh, this is also the case with this amulet. After they met Bai Yan, they didn’t want her one by one?

"You have robbed my mother's things before, and now it is a return to the original owner."

Bai Xiaochen's cold eyes looked at Yun Ruo, and the bullying between the eyebrows, the young age has already been quite a demeanor.

"Oh," Long Yan sneered. "Before the days are dead, they will only protect people. Now it is alive, it is no longer the previous one, and another..."

He paused and continued: "The master gave you the heavens and brought the master's wishes. The heavens naturally sheltered your safety. Have you ever thought about whether it has protected you since the master left? once?"

In those years, no matter what happened to Yun Ruoxi, they could be saved. Only when she abused the cub, even the amulet could not be seen. That time, she did not protect her.

The next step is that after the death of Bai Yan, the amulet will return to silence. No matter what damage the cloud has suffered, it has never been protected.

It’s true that the heavens are dead, but it’s all the heavens. How could there be no thought? It's just that it can't do anything else...

"The master is so good to you, you will be envious of the enemy, and harm her."

Long Yan looked at the cloud and sorrowed his face, and ironically hooked his lips and continued.

Yun Ruo’s body froze, and an anger emerged from the bottom of her heart. At this time, she could not attend the disguise and sneered.

"She treats me well? If I am good, why didn't I let the old man take me as a disciple? Why do all the good things she occupy?"

"If she is good to me, why do I still want to return my amulet? That thing she gave me, it is mine. Why does she think that I am safe now, should the amulet be returned to her? If I am not using an excuse to delay At the speed of the return, the amulet was taken away by her!"

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