The woman looks slim and thin. I didn’t expect to have such a great strength.

"Who are you?" Huang Mao youth was angry, stood up in anger, facing the face.

Bai Yan sneered: "You said that you are her husband, then I am her sister, why don't you know me?"

Everyone is stunned.

This Huang Mao said that she is her husband, so why not even her sister knows?

Not to mention other people, even the white clothes are stunned.

She turned her head and looked at Bai Yan. She always felt that she was familiar, but she couldn’t remember it anymore.

But this did not hinder her, her body suddenly rushed to the white face, wow a cry.

"Sister, I don't know him. I don't really know him. I don't know why he said he is my husband."

Until now, those onlookers have reacted. Is this man a personal trafficker? If this girl is really towed away, what will be waiting for her?

At the thought of this, everyone was horrified and swearing.

They did not expect that in this emperor, at the foot of the emperor, this kind of thing will happen...

Huang Mao knew that he was losing money, and he no longer argued. He turned his white clothes and turned away.

If you don't leave, when the police come, he won't be able to go.

"Clothing, I am white, I am back."

When the white clothes were to thank Bai Yan, her voice came again from the top of her head, making her look stiff and strangely looking up at the woman in front of her.

"You... Bai Yanjie?"

"Yes, I am back."

The white clothes said that she had no blood relationship with her. She was an apprentice of the mother of Bai Yan’s mother. She only had a white dress without a father and a mother. Therefore, Bai Yan’s mother asked her to follow her surname.

After the white house was destroyed, Bai Yan went away from her home in anger and never returned.

I still remember, the white clothes cried and held her legs on the same day, let her take her with her...

But at that time, she was not sensible at the age of her, and she only had the idea of ​​improving her strength. She was afraid that after she brought her white clothes, she would delay her cultivation speed. Therefore, she gave her mother a blank for her inheritance. After that, he left the writer.

Recalling the things of the year, Bai Yan smiled. At the beginning, she only knew how to cultivate and lived up to too many people. Now she will be revived once, and she will never repeat the same mistakes.

Otherwise, if you step on the highest point and avenge your enmity, but there is no one around you, what do you mean?

It is a pity that she was influenced by Wenshan too much, and she did not think about it until she died.

"Why are you going to the street hairlet? Is the money I left for you before? I gave you the legacy that my mother gave me before I left. The money is enough for you to spend all your life."

Bai Yan frown, asked.

The white clothes bowed their heads: "Bai Yanjie, shortly after you left, your stepmother and her daughter will confuse your father to take away everything. They said that I am not the daughter of the White House, nor the blood of the writer. I am not qualified to inherit the legacy left by Master... Bai Yanjie, I am useless, I am not optimistic about what you left for me."

Bai Yan’s heart trembled.

She closed her eyes slightly, looked up and looked at the white clothes: "You told me, how did your cultivation disappear? Why did you fall to the point of being bullied?"

The white coat was stiff, her head was getting lower and lower, and she didn't dare to look at it.

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