Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1500: Water family less master (1)

The wind breeze sucked a cold breath, if the child can really approach the young master, even if he does not marry him, give him a lover.

"Xueqin, what is the big deal with men outside? What successful man does not have a few confidantes? And, since the water family is not married, there is only one son, then it proves that his son's biological mother is not allowed to stand on the table. ”

Yue Xueqin was silent. After half a dozen, she said: "This... still ask the opinions of the deaf children. If she has not married, she will be a stepmother. It is inevitable that it is difficult to accept."

After all, my nephew is her daughter. As a mother, how can she not love her daughter?

The wind blew his mouth, and Yue Xueqin really thought too much. If you want to be a lady of the water family, it would be a little difficult, but if you are a lover, there is still no problem...

However, the wind did not dare to say it. If Xueqin knew his true thoughts, he would never let his nephew give people a lover.

And he... must rely on the beauty of his daughter to climb to a high position!

When Yue Xueqin left the tea house, she was worried that she had gone to the door of Tianzhuer’s house. She was a little indulged for a while, and raised her hand and smashed the door.

Not a moment, the door was opened, and the girl in a cartoon pajamas stood at the door of Yue Xueqin. The little mouth sighed slightly: "Mom, it’s so late, what are you doing for me?"

For this only daughter, Yue Xueqin's tone is very good, and his eyes are gentle: "Hey, I am coming to you, there are some things to ask you, let us come in and say."

Tianzhuer sideways, let Yue Xueqin walk into the room.

"Mom, what are you going to say to me?"

"Hey, you are the steward of the water house, you know it too, so we have the ability to get you close to the water family, you see..." Yue Xueqin was hesitant.

She knows the temper of her daughter. She does not know if she will be satisfied with the marriage that Tianfeng arranged for her.

"What?" Scorpio stunned his eyes wide open and angrily slammed his feet. "Do you want me to marry the sick man?"

Yue Xueqin's face changed: "Hey, don't talk nonsense. If this is known to the water family, we will be finished, and you can't save us!"

Why did they become one of the four small families, not because her brother is the steward of the water house? Which force does not sell a few thin faces?

If the deaf children are disrespectful to the water family, they can be imagined!

"I didn't talk nonsense. Everyone knows that the sick man's sickness was seriously ill eight years ago. After waking up, his temperament changed greatly, and he never left the water home again! Even more, no one has seen him again, if It’s not a disease, how can a water house not let him see someone? Anyway, I don’t want to marry him!”

The happiness of her life can't be destroyed in the sickness of the Shuijia. Otherwise, what should I do when I am young?

"Hey," Yue Xueqin sighed. "Nobody knows what the situation is." Otherwise, how do you see it first?"

In fact, even if the housekeeper of the Shui family is her brother, no one dares to convey the situation of the Shuijia minority. Therefore, they still do not know the true situation of the Shuijia minority.

Even the temperament changed, but my brother inadvertently said that he missed his mouth.

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