Emperor Cang smashed his throat, and with the character of Bai Yan, he would naturally not be bullied.


This does not mean that he can tolerate someone who bullies him!

"You are unfamiliar here, and you can't find your mother. So, I know where your mother is, I will send you." The voice of Emperor Cang was hoarse.

In the eight years since he came here, he already knew the identity of Bai Yan in China.

I also know the grievances I have suffered...

Emperor Cang really hated that he did not come early for two years. If he came two years earlier, he might still stop the tragedy.

"In addition..." Emperor Cang's eyes are light and heavy. "You also need to know the basic situation of your mother. I will give you the things I found at the beginning. I will see you for your mother's revenge. Don't let The blood of those people... dirty my wife's hand."

Bai Xiaochen nodded. He stood up excitedly. The little face of the pink-carved jade was a happy smile: "Hey, are you saying that I can go to the mother in advance?"

Emperor Cang smiled slightly: "Your mother is looking for you, I don't trust her, you go."

She knows that Bai Yan is very hateful to Wenshan until she died under the thunder, but also to make herself strong, so that Wenshan understands how ridiculous his behavior on the day.

Therefore, Emperor Cang does not know whether Bai Yan is still interested in Wenshan.

After all, Wenshan and Bai Zhenxiang are different. Bai Yan has no feelings for Bai Zhenxiang. No matter how he does it, she can be fearless.

Kevinshan’s words, maybe... will hurt her very deeply.

How does this white face make him feel at ease?

“Great,” Bai Xiaochen jumped excitedly. “The dog you raised before was quite good, or would you let me go to see my mother?”

Emperor Cang: "..."

Are you sure you want a dog to take you on board?

"It's not a monster."

After a long silence, Emperor Cang said this sentence.

It’s not a monster, it can’t be shaped. How can you take a long journey to find someone?

"That cat can do it too. I think the big orange cat is quite fat, let it take me."


Can this son be normal?

Moreover, taking you to find someone, and what does it have to do with fat?

"I am looking for someone to take you. You will give me peace during your stay. If you let me know that you are not stable, I will let you bring you back."

The harsh voice of Emperor Cang made Bai Xiaochen quiet.

He licked his mouth, but it was rare that he did not resist the Emperor Cang, and he said with a good voice: "Oh."

People are people, although he thinks that among the water homes, the big yellow dog and the big orange cat are the most lovely...


Thinking of those people, Bai Xiaochen’s eyes sinked: “Bad egg, you haven’t formed a force in China for eight years? I don’t like these people in the water house.”

After all, when he was in the country of the fire, he also formed his own power.

Now that I am in China, he does nothing?

Emperor Cang: "..."

In these eight years, he is busy following her mother. How can I have time to train my own people?

However, people did not cultivate, but he had taken in some beasts, but those beasts did not open their minds, and naturally they were not monsters.

"Morning, do you think... for the father in this summer, what kind of forces need to be formed?" The Emperor raised his lips and his smile was arrogant and proud. "If you don't accept it... I can let Xuanwu take it."

Those people are not yet qualified to let him do it himself...

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