At the beginning, Yue Xueqin and Tianfeng had similar ideas, but now, she only wants to keep Tianzhu away from those people.

Even a housekeeper who has been talking for a long time said that he would catch up, and Tianzhuer would be close to such a heartless person. What would be a good end?

She does not want to be hurt for the sake of the heavenly family!

"Mom, that's what I don't know, I think so. Since I am the daughter of Tianjia, I must not let the Tianjia be bullied!" Tian's expression was firm and calm.

Yue Xueqin's lips are moving, and I want to say something. The wind on the side has interrupted her words impatiently.

"The woman's benevolence! What the child said is not wrong. If she becomes a woman with less master, she will only bring endless benefits to the family. What do you know about a woman?"

At the beginning, Yue Xueqin’s brother was a water housekeeper, and he naturally wanted to take care of her.

Now that his big scorpion has been wrecked, there is no need to endure her everywhere.

"Hey, let's go, you go back and take a rest, I want other ways to send you into the water home." Tianfeng coldly looked at Yue Xueqin, took Tianzhuo into the living room.

Yue Xueqin's heart was cold. She turned back and looked at the figure of the father and the daughter that gradually disappeared. A white face was more white and bloodless.

But she also understands that without her brother's support, in this day, what she said is no longer useful...


Compared with the chaos of Tianjia, the writer is also not good.

Wenfeifei walked into the hall with a sigh of relief, but he saw that Wenshan was sitting on the sofa waiting for her to come back.

She was a sneak peek, and she shouted: "Dad."


Wenshan squatted on the phone in Wenfeifei, and stood up from the sofa. His face was blue: "Wen Feifei, do you think that this emperor is still the place where we lived before? You see what you did at the Huaxia Hotel? Is a child a thief? Is it still threatening him? Finally, Weibo?"

Wenfeifei was a stiff body. She knew that these things were not as good as Wenshan, so she bit her lip and screamed.

"Mountain brother."

Chai Yue hurriedly ran out, and saw Wenshan, whose face was full of anger, panic in his heart, and quickly walked to Wenfeifei, and slapped her face.

The slap in the face, Wen Feifei's face was red, and the tears in the eyes of Chai Yue also flowed down.

"Fifi, is it normal for mothers to educate you like this? I have told you long ago, don't blame yourself, why don't you always listen? Also make your father angry like this?"

Wen Feifei reluctantly raised her eyes: "Mom, I didn't mean it. I whispered to find a white dress to help me with the antidote. She humiliated me. Now she has a white face, I don't dare to marry her. So... I will send the gas to others."

"Fifi, my poor child..."

Chai Yue cried and hugged Wenfei Fei’s body and burst into tears: “White clothing is a good apprentice of your white mother. Even if you have been drinking white for a long time in our house, you should not go to her trouble. Ah, you can rest assured that Mom and Dad won't make you so painful for a lifetime."

"Mom, you said that white clothes, why did she treat me like this? If the writer didn't come back to her and gave her back, she had already starved to death, but she didn't know what to report, but also humiliated. I am a daughter of Xiaosan, I am angry, but I dare not say more, this will vent my emotions outside, I really know it is wrong..."

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