"You have to take a shower first and see what you are like now?"

Lingyun walked into the hall. After seeing the stains covered by Ling Lang, he flashed a disgust in his eyes and said with a deep voice.

Seeing Lingyun’s disgusting look, Ling Lang sniffed the smell of the body. When he felt that the unpleasant smell came over, his face changed and he hurriedly walked toward the second floor.

"Husband, this medicinal medicine..." White dye clenched the medicinal herbs in his hand and slightly lowered his eyebrows. She wanted to say something, but she did not know where to open.

"Dyeing, after a few days is the birthday of Dad, don't forget to invite Yan Yan to participate. As for the four small families, you don't have to ask."

Bai dye looked surprised at Lingyun and nodded slightly. She knew that Lingyun was because the white house was destroyed, so she would not invite Fu and Tianjia to participate.

If you don’t ask Wenjia, it’s for Yan Yan...

"Well, I will tell Yan Yan." The white dyed heart quietly sighed.

At the beginning, she was still afraid that Lingyun would not accept Bai Yan, which was intended to conceal the news that she was pregnant and had a child at a young age, but she did not expect to be broken by Ling Lang.

But now it seems that Lingyun did not dislike her, so she was relieved...


Hotel, Bai Xiaochenwo fell asleep in the arms of Bai Yan.

Bai Yan's fingers gently stroked the little white skin of the little guy, and the beautiful face smiled. ,

This little thing, even the appearance of sleeping is so cute, he does not know what is dreaming of delicious, leaving two lines of traces in the corner of his mouth.

"Bad Xiaomi," Suddenly, the little guy groaned, and his dissatisfied frowns. "And grab my snacks. I won't play with you anymore."

Bai Yan: "..."

This little guy, can dream of a dream and Xiaomi grab a snack?

At this moment, the phone ringing sounded.

White Yan brows slightly picked up.

Since she came to this place, she left the phone number to Linglang, but she also stored the phone number of Linglang, but the current number... is strange.

Turbulent, Bai Yan’s heart jumped, because not long ago, Big Bear just took her cell phone number and it’s hard to be...

Thinking of the possibility in the heart, Bai Yan cautiously climbed up from the bed, she saw Bai Xiaochen still slept soundly, and walked quickly toward the bathroom.

After waiting for the bathroom, she just pressed the phone.


At the end of the phone, it was a low, hoarse voice.

This voice is very familiar, familiar with the white face can not help but hold his lips, tears flowing from the eyelids.


The person at the other end of the phone saw Bai Yan did not answer her, and gave a low voice.

His voice is filled with tenderness and infinite thoughts.

"Well, I am..."

The white lips were lightly moved, and under the man’s affectionate eyes, she gently sighed.

The phone was silent.

After half a ring, his magnetic voice was heard: "Yan, I miss you very much..."

The thoughts of eight years have finally turned into a miss.

He can finally tell her about his infinite love for him.


On the back of a mountain not far from the water home, the big orange cat slammed on the ground, and the breeze blew its cat hair, which enjoyed the soft grass on the ground.


After hearing the voice of the man's call, the big orange cat looked up in surprise and looked at the man with the wrong look.

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