Bai Xiaochen didn't recognize his life from an early age. He also always talked about people and talked about ghosts. This little mouth is as sweet as honey.

Even though Bai Ding knew that the little guy was to please her, but when she heard this, her mood was still very comfortable.

"This child... I really talk, people have to like it, Yan Yan, you should be tired too, let me go in first, the wind outside is bigger."

The women who were optimistic about the show did not wait for the scene that happened in the expectation, and the smile on their faces could not help but froze.

In particular, Bai Ding claims... Lingyun is the uncle of this woman?

It’s hard to be... She is the cousin of Ling Shao?

"Mom, these people are talking about the right and wrong of Yan Yan," Ling Lang swept the few women who spoke. "They not only claimed that Yan Yan was my girlfriend, but also humiliated her very close, let Yan Yan It’s not so happy.”

The smile on the white-stained face disappeared, and the cold eyes looked at the few people Ling Lang pointed out.

"White... White aunt, you misunderstood, we don't mean this, we just don't know that she is Ling Xiao's cousin..." The red evening dress woman sneered a few times, her face showing a sly color.

White dyed nodded lightly: "Well, I understand, but you have been watching it for so long, and you are not planning to go in. It is also a matter of not being interested in my father’s birthday banquet. If so, then I will fulfill you, Xiaolang, You are a guest."

After she finished speaking, she was holding a white hand and holding a white morning, and her face was restored again.

"Yan Yan, morning child, we go in, clothes, you follow."

The white clothes squinted at the direction in which several people left, then turned to look at Linglang, and some shyly said: "Ling Shao, would you like me to help you?"

Ling Lang did not notice the shyness on the face of the white clothes. Perhaps he did not know much about the little girl's thoughts.

After all, those women who want to hook him, which is not heroic directly? I don't need him to guess what.

"Okay, then you can help me together, don't let these people disturb the cousin."

The white clothes raised their eyes with joy and a lovely smile on the face.


She just sighed softly. This sound is as low as a mosquito and flies. If you don't have to listen, you can't hear it.

Fortunately, Ling Lang’s ear strength has improved a lot, only to hear this voice...

Before entering the old house, Bai Yan looked back at the white clothes and Ling Lang.

After she saw that the white clothes were no longer dare to lift up in front of her eyes, she did not feel thoughtful...


The voice of Bai Xiaochen made Bai Yan come back to God.

She looked down at the little buns next to her and smiled and touched his little head: "What?"

"Isn't the mother very fond of aunts?"

Bai Xiaochen touched the back of his head. Every time he talked about the words "clothing," he was somewhat unaccustomed.

Because in the Longxiao mainland, there is a Chu clothing that he is very fond of, and also makes him like it...

"Yes," Bai Yan said with a smile. "She can be regarded as the person I care most about in China. When your grandmother died, all of them were taking care of me. She is obviously smaller than me, but she will do anything." But at the time I was not sensible, and I didn’t care too much. Until now, I realized... Some people are also very important to me."

At that time, she only knew revenge, no one was in the heart, and she never looked at those who had followed her...

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