"A Huang? I will see him next time. I have to teach him something. I will tell you anything! You are such a vulgar word... Because it is used to describe the gods, I will not care about you for the time being, but you are not Can continue to learn, can understand?"

When I heard Bai Yan’s words, Bai Xiaochen’s heart was put down, and a bright smile: “Mother’s parents are right, and the morning is the mother’s baby, and will be obedient.”

A big bear hiding in the dark to protect Bai Xiaochen, almost did not reveal his whereabouts after hearing the words.

In front of the young master, this is the trickster, to the little lady's side... has become a baby?

This became... too fast.

"Mother, those who bullied the white house... Who are you, do you remember?"

What Bai Xiaochen wanted to say was the people who had destroyed the White House, but the bad guys told her before. After leaving the Water House, this is a peaceful society outside. It’s too **** to kill the door. He can’t be so many people. Said the face.

Therefore, he also hesitated for a while before he said the word bullying.

"I remember that……"

Those people, every face, he remembers clearly.

"That's great!" Bai Xiaochen took a small hand. "Big bear, you will come over to Tianjia and Fu's people, let my mother kiss it, and... Doesn't the writer have a firewood? She rolled over!"

Today, he will vent his anger for the mother, and let the person who hurts him eat his own evil!

"Little Master!" Tianfeng finally panicked. "You can't do this. My big sister-in-law is also a member of your water family. How can you do this to us? And she is really not your biological mother. Why do you want to An outsider is heartbroken? Willing to be used by her?"

Bai Xiaochen looked cold and cold at the wind: "Mother, kiss, how do you say so many self-righteous people? I said that I am my mother, you are not saying that I am not, have you seen my own mother?"

Tianfeng snorted on the spot. Did he want to tell him in public about the tragedy that destroyed the White House many years ago?

Although the state did not manage these things in the past, it is not good to say that going out.

"In any case... I just know that he is definitely not your biological mother. How can she be born at such an age?"

Bai Xiaochen’s innocent smile: “She is not my mother, is your daughter not my mother?”

When I heard this, Tianfeng’s eyes lit up.

He can have today's status, relying on his wife, so IQ is not brought.

Now he only knows in his heart that the young master decided that Bai Yan is his mother, and certainly it is also recognized by the young master...

This shows that the young master may be a one-night stand with that woman? And can't remember her appearance? The young master is still inadvertently found by the water family, and found the true identity of the young master?

And... Little Master can't be sure, who is his biological mother?

If this is the case, he said that it is feasible to be a nephew.

Suddenly, the wind breeze remembered one thing that the big blind man told him.

Eight years ago, the young master was out of the house. After he came back, he was seriously ill in bed. After he woke up, he was not only changed his temperament, but also lost all his memories...

The young master must have been born before that, that is to say... the young master may not really remember the young mother of the young master? Otherwise, why did you find the young master after eight years of security?

Previously, he had never heard of any illegitimate children of the Lord...

If he followed the previous reasoning, he did not have too many mistakes in his thoughts. However, what he did not know was that Bai Yan was not a Chinese.

Her acquaintance with the Emperor Cang, the birth of Bai Xiaochen, is no longer within China.

Therefore, Tianfeng will have such a ridiculous idea.

As for the paternity test, what...he has a way...

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