He... intends to go to life and death with white dye? why? He doesn't care about life?

"Mixed!" Ling Kaiyuan's old face was green, and angered the table. "One of you wants to get divorced, one wants me to drive you out? Have you still put my old man in your eyes? You guys Don't go! Yan Yan, too!"

At this time, Bai Yan’s heart does not say that shock is fake.

When I was young, Wenshan didn't like them too much contact with the secular world. I rarely let them come to the emperor. She saw a handful of white dyes, and the age was small, and the impression was not very deep.

This time I am willing to help Ling Jia, just because of the white dye and her mother's sister.

She never thought about it, Bai Dian would do so for her, and Ling Jia... also did not give up white dyed with her.

Bai Yan lowered her eyes, how much did she miss in the past?

"White Yan sister," white clothes red eyes, pulled the sleeves of the white face, "I will not go, I want to be with you, I am not afraid of anything."

As long as you are there, I am not afraid...

"Hey, why are you like Wenshan?"

The sudden sound of Bai Xiaochen broke the harsh atmosphere: "What does he believe in what he says? I will only have a woman in my life, and if you don't believe it, you can ask him if you don't believe it."

at this time……

A breath came from the night.

Bai Yan lifted his head in vain, and for a moment, under the night, that gorgeous face was reflected in her eyes.

The man has changed his face, but the only constant is the arrogance and domineering in his bones, which is amazing, no matter when and where, will become the focus, and attract attention.

The unmarried women in the banquet hall looked silly. They had never seen such a good-looking man, so they could see... let the stars in the night sky be eclipsed, only to be his foil.

Scorpio looked at the man, and when he saw Yue Ran walking behind the man, she suddenly realized that this is the young master of the water house?

The water master is less... is it so amazing? Not at all like the legendary scorpion?

Her feet involuntarily walked two steps to the side, facing the man, her hands were placed nervously on the chest, and the beauty contained bright spring.


After the man entered the hall, he had already stopped, and Yue Ran behind him came to his front without paying attention.

Immediately, he suddenly reached out his foot, and his foot slammed into the back leg of Yue Ran. He snorted and stunned.

I don't know if it is intentional or unintentional... The place where he is stunned is the position of Bai Yan.

Scorpio was shocked. I don't understand why this man suddenly slammed his feet.

But she hadn't had time to think about it, and she saw the man's brilliant face raising a smile that charmed all beings.

At this moment, the heart of Tianzhuer jumped up and thumped.

He never thought that a person smiles so beautifully, and... this smile... is definitely smiling at her.

"Less...small master..." Scorpio was able to withstand the mad heart and walked toward the man. "I have already said to me, saying that you want to marry me, I will marry you, I also Don't disappoint you, your health is not good... I..."


The words of Scorpio have not been finished yet. I only feel that the chest has been hit hard. Her body suddenly flies out and the food on the table is smashed.

Her brain is awkward compared to the body's heavy blows. Obviously, she still doesn't know what happened...

"You have blocked my way, it is annoying!"

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