The eyes of Scorpio are full of horror, and Tianfeng has long been eager to find a hole to drill in.

Ridiculous, he thought that Bai Yan would not be a child of the water family at the age of fourteen, but did not expect that she had been to another world...

For the ancient Wu family, they still have some understanding of this time and space, so the words of Bai Yan make them not difficult to understand, but the people of Ling family are confused and do not understand what she is saying.

This time, Bai Yan’s eyes fell to Wenshan and sneered: “Wenshan, can you remember what you said to me in the past? Your words have influenced me so deeply that I always think that men Between power and wife and children, you will always choose power."

Wenshan looked at Bai Yan and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Mother, how can you be like this kind of person, in fact, people like him are rare," Bai Xiaochen walked down from the chair, and he walked over to Bai Yan’s side, holding her hand. "Isn’t the grandfather just trying to protect us?"

In fact, in Bai Xiaochen’s mind, the decision made by Ling Yun is correct.

They can make this decision without knowing that the Shuijia lesser is his embarrassed. It can be seen that Lingyun’s feelings for white dyeing are deep.

Just because he understands that white dyeing is impossible to abandon the mother-in-law, he is also reluctant to leave a white dye, would rather risk offending the water home, and never let go!

If it is a man, even his family can not protect, then what kind of man is he? It is simply a kind of waste, waste!

"Yeah, Wenshan is a very rare one, but unfortunately... I realized it later."

Bai Yan gently caress Xiao Xiaochen's small head, smiles lightly, but the spring is bright.

"Mother, I have paid a lot for you in the past. You have been escaping from him. He is chasing you all the way. You don't want him to be too fierce to his aunt. He will temper. In the demon world, he is the boss, in his heart, You are the boss, so... he announced to the demon world that your order is first."

Bai Xiaochen’s voice was childish. He was also young at the time. He always thought that the bad guys were bullying the mother.

Now that he is no longer a child, many things will naturally be understood...

The most important thing is that the behavior of Emperor Cang has captured him.

He hopes that the mother is happy.

"You want the gods... he will attack the gods for you. He doesn't like to dry up, but because you have a good relationship with cognac, he accepts cognac, you are hurt, you are always in front of you, you Back to China, he tried his best to come back to you, even if he returned eight years ago, and waited for eight years here..."

The eyes of Scorpio are wide and wide.

Eight years ago, the temperament of the Shuijia family changed greatly. The memories of the past were lost. They all thought that he was only amnesia, but he never thought much... The Shuijia Master is no longer his.

This thing... the second old man of the water family knows?

Compared with the careful thoughts of several people in Tianzhu, the white clothes looked distressed and looked at Bai Yan. She bit her lip tightly and her eyes were blurred.

It turned out that Bai Yanjie...has already died once, and went to the place where the life is unfamiliar. I don’t know how many wrongs and sufferings I have suffered.

Fortunately, she has a well-intelligent son, and a caring husband, so that she will not be too upset in that world.

But now, white clothes understand why Bai Yan will say that she can't follow her.

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