The old man glimpsed, how did those people offend the Lord? Less mainly let them taste torture?

Bai Yan yawned and took Bai Xiaochen's hand and said: "Morning, you should be familiar with this place. You take me and your clothes to rest. You have other things to deal with."

It is enough for the water house to be disposed of by the Emperor Cang, and this water house... will be the strongest backing of the white clothes.

Since then, no one dared to bully her in China!

"Mother, I know the road, you come with me, I know where to live," Bai Xiaochen pulled the hand of Bai Yan, smiled brightly. "Small, you can go to my place to rest first? I will let the maid later. People help you arrange a place to live."

The white clothes smiled shallowly: "I am free, I can live anywhere."

"Then you follow me."

Bai Xiaochen smiled very happily. He pulled the white face and ran towards the back yard.

The water home has a wealth of wealth, and the sidelines have been multiplied for many years. Therefore, the Bai family is very large and basically occupies a city. Besides the white people in the city, they are the servants' servants.

The home is in the center of the city, it is a courtyard, simple and solemn, quite a breath of ancient Wu family.

Bai Xiaochen just took Bai Yan and went to the courtyard. A huge figure flew over and slammed into Bai Xiaochen's body.

It was a big yellow dog, shaking his tail desperately, and it looked very excited with his tongue licking the face of Bai Xiaochen.

"A Huang, do you miss me?" Bai Xiaochen stroked the head of the big yellow dog and giggled.

In this white house, in addition to cockroaches, his favorite is the big yellow dog and the big orange cat.

Bai Yan picked up his eyes, and his eyes swept his eyes, and turned his eyes to Bai Xiaochen: "Is it a yellow? Are you sure that the swear words you said before are all A-Huang?"

Bai Xiaochen's little face suddenly froze.

He was too excited and forgot the words he had said before.

"Mother-in-law..." Bai Xiaochen raised his head and bit his sleeve. The eyes don't have much pity, I am afraid that no one can be indifferent.

"You actually learned to make people back for you? Let a dog back for you? Don't say it won't talk, even if you say, how does it know those words?"

"Maybe... it is listening too much, following anthropology." Bai Xiaochen weakened himself and argued for himself.

"Bai Xiaochen!" Bai Yan's words are quite gnashing.

Bai Xiaochen stood up straight and stood up: "Mother, the morning child knows the wrong, and no longer makes people back, nor swearing."

"Well," Bai Yan's tone eased a few points. "Remember, if you swear, you can do it without dirty words. In particular, after you can't say swearing, let an innocent dog carry it for you. pot."


Bai Xiaochen’s mouth is awkward, and A Huang is not innocent. It is squatting with the old man, and the maids of the water house, which one has not been tempted by it?


Compared with the cleverness of the big orange cat, A Huang is more stupid. He did not understand the dialogue between the mother and the daughter, but turned his eyes to Bai Yan.

Well, it hasn't seen a mother creature that looks so good, not only looks better than the people of the water family, but also looks better than the little **** next door...

I don't know if the scenery under her skirt is as good as it is.

A Huang took the paw back from Bai Xiaochen's body, and went to Bai Yan's side, then...

It stretched out the small claws and opened the skirt of Bai Yan.

For a dog, Bai Yan did not take precautions, nor did he realize that the dog raised by Emperor Cang would not be an ordinary dog.

I didn't even think... This dog will wear a skirt?

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