Until now, Yun Ruo’s expression is taken for granted, and he does not feel that he has done something wrong. ???????

If it is wrong, it should be nothing more than a white face.

The old man’s expression was sorrowful and angry, staring at the clouds.

"If the cloud is cherished, you don't even know what mistakes you made. We give up on you, not because we don't love you. You have been cheating us all the time! If your deception has harmed the realm, will we give up on you?" "Xuan Zun smiled sarcastically. "For you, we did not hesitate to impose a fire on Bai Yan, and forced all the people around her to kill her, and even the fetus in her belly did not let go... ”

"In the end, we learned that she is the Lord of the Sky, and our actions have become a joke!"

She is so miserable that they are hurt, and they still love her? How can it be?

They all want to kill her by hand!

"I am not wrong! There is nothing wrong with it. The wrong thing is you, the **** all are you!" Yun Ruoxi's eyes were filled with madness and his face was awkward. She raised her hand and opened her veil, revealing a scar. Face, "Have you seen it? These are all harmed by the demon world. Bai Yan has owed me a lot, and the demon world has hurt me so much, then they are all damn!"

"The stubbornness!"

Xuan Zun shook his head and sneered, obviously her own fault, but she said that someone owed her.

No one in this world owes her!

"This time I came to you, not to quarrel with you, there is something to discuss," Yun Ruoxi eased his look, cold voice, "I can help you against the demon world... But you have to surrender to me! My slave!"..

"Hugh think!"

Ling Zun angered.

Thousands of years ago, the realm of the gods and the demon world were opposite, but now... because of the sake of Bai Yan, they want to seek peace with the demon world.

Regardless of whether the demon world can agree, they can no longer deal with Bai Yan...

Just because she is the only hope for the big robbery.

What's more, as a strong god, they are greater than their lives, and they are slaves. That is impossible.

"If the cloud is cherished, we will never join you again. You will give me the roll now!"

Xuan Zun is also angry and screaming, pointing not far away, shouting.

He knows that they can't move now, and the same, they don't want to see her again.

"You don't want to slaughter the demon world?" Yun Ruowei walked slowly into the crowd. "Don't forget, how did the demon world treat your shrine and kill so many powerful people in the shrine? Can you stop? As long as you want revenge, I There are ways to help you... I will let the demon world, never stop!"

Bai Yan owes her, she will come back a little! Those low-lying monsters are not worth living!

Seeing Yun Ruowei walked toward them, Ling Zun was unable to control the eruption of emotions. In an instant, he rushed to the cloud and slammed, and a punch slammed into the shoulders of Yun Ruo.

The body of Yun Ruo’s body suddenly flew out, and a blood spurted out, and the wolverine fell to the ground.

She did not expect that when she learned that she had a tough backstage, Ling Zun would also do something to her...

He doesn't want to die?


Ling Zun took back his fist and shouted: "Don't let me see you again, I will not unite with you."

This woman is so miserable that they deceived them, and wants them to be slaves to her?


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