Bai Yanling waved his sleeves and turned to look at the elders: "The elders, we will stay nearby to rest, I will see if those people will appear!"

Even if she is forced, she will force those people out.

"it is good."

The elders nodded slightly: "Then I will arrange it now, right. Do I have to inform Wang Yi?"

"Well, you tell her, for the time being, I will not go back to the demon world, I have to wait for those people to vote for the net!"

In fact, although Bai Yan knows nothing about the things of the millennium, she understands that those people are not completely thorough, and they will not turn a blind eye to the lives and deaths of these people in the realm of the gods.

They have made so many mistakes, isn’t it for the peace of the world?

But this does not mean she can forgive them.

They really care about the people of God, but in the same way, they kill too many people in the demon world, but also hurt her past life... so miserable, how can this hatred be eliminated?

She and the shrine... this is that you are not dead, I will die!

"Mother Kiss..." Bai Xiaochen clutched Bai Yan's hand tightly and licked his lips to look at Bai Yan. "When are we going to pick up Linger and every day? I can miss them..."

"In any case, we still have half a month, enough to go back and forth, so, the elders, you have to go to the place to arrange, I will pick them up with Chen Xiaolonger."

"Yes, queen."

The elders respected the fist and said.

"let's go."

Bai Yan held a hand in the morning, holding a small hand of Xiao Longer in one hand, and his body flashed, and it appeared in the void, and the blink of an eye disappeared in front of everyone...

At the same time, the elders also left their sleeves and took the gate of the shrine.

After they left, the people who fell to the ground in the shrine quietly breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on their foreheads, but the panic on their faces still did not dissipate.

Those blasphemy are finally gone, but according to them, if a few of the sages do not come back within half a month, they are afraid that they will really start with the shrine...

How is this good?

"I knew that the demon world could recover so powerfully, we should not start with those monsters."

There are so many monsters that have died in their hands these years, so that the demon world comes to the door to seek revenge, and they have nothing to say...

"In fact, if it is not for the gods, it has always prevented us from doing things against the demon world. Maybe we can eradicate this before the demon world is strong. It is not going to happen like this..."

A young man who is not afraid of death said indignantly that he was so bullied by the demon world that he was still unbearable.

Originally, human beings are superior to monsters. When do they need to be so mean?

A person hurriedly licked the waist of the young man. The young man took a look and followed the man's gaze. At that moment, his body froze, and his opening: "God... God..."

How did God suddenly come back?

At the entrance to the shrine, the man was lightly standing, the two sleeves were breeze, the handsome face was indifferent, and the long white hair fluttered in the wind, making his momentum more extraordinary and refined, but cold as cold and cold.

Every time he went further, the young man who had just opened a trembling, his eyes were full of panic, and he swallowed hard...

The face of the wind glass was cold, and he squinted at the young man, and he took his eyes back. He said coldly: "The gods are not returning for many days, can you dare to swear?"

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