She just promised not to shoot people in the realm of the gods, but she did not say that the demon world will not shoot the gods.

Those people have killed too many monsters, and among those who are trapped in the demon world, there are relatives of the deceased beasts.

If they want to take revenge, she will not only stop it, but also help her.

If there is no such mistake in the realm of the gods, the demon world will naturally not move them. I want to let her help protect the gods. Why?

Xuanzun’s heart was stagnation. He thought about countless possibilities. He also thought that Bai Yan would ask them, but she never expected that she would refuse.

"The queen, it is us who do the wrong thing, those in the realm of the gods are innocent." Xuan Zun said with distress.

Bai Yan smiled lightly, smiled and satirized: "Innocent? They are innocent, why are these monsters not innocent? They will die in the hands of the gods?"

Under these words, Xuan Zun no longer speaks.

This has been the case for thousands of years ago. The beast and the human race have never been the same race, so killing is also normal.

In their eyes, those monsters are no different from cows and hens, and they don't think that it is wrong to kill the monsters.

"White Yan," Ling Zun sees Xuan Zun no longer speaks, he slams into Bai Yan and says, "I know that you hate us, what do you want us to do, will you protect the world?"

Bai Yan squinted his eyes and said with a cold voice: "I want the Qinglong White Tigers to never reincarnate. I want my former son not to suffer such great grief. I also hope that Emperor Cang has never reunited me. I have been sleeping for many years, and I hope that the strength of Emperor Xiaoyun has not been sealed. I also wish that my grandfather in the shrine has never been crazy..."

She clenched her fists and continued: "I would rather... I have never experienced life and death with those around me. Can you do this? If you can do it, I will help the world!" ”

The Qinglong White Tiger has already reborn, and now it has been found back, and it cannot erase the fact that they have reborn.

The son of Bai Yan’s past life was extremely resentful. The Emperor Cang also reunited the spirit of the white face, and gave up the body to sleep for many years. As for the old man... they are already crazy.

How can these things not happen? Bai Yan is simply embarrassing them.

"White Yan... You really can't see the fact that Xuan Zun is willing to surrender his life, sheltering the gods?"

Bai Yan smiled: "No."

She paused and continued: "Under the circumstances, you are not paying your own life, because even if you don't come back, I will still find you, just to see that you are back, I will let others go."

Therefore, Ling Zun and others can't come back, and it has little to do with her decision.

She never goes to shelter the enemy.

These people in the realm of the gods are not innocent. They kill too many monsters. She can never help the beasts protect their enemies.

"Of course, the realm of the gods will not disappear. There are so many people on the mainland that will break through as God in the morning and evening. In the future, the gods will live in peace with the demon world. People like you will not appear again."

The medicine door and the holy land will soon break through as God. In the meantime, she will let the gods become completely new and welcome them.

Therefore, the realm of the gods will not disappear, and only those who are evil will be lost.

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