"Well, I am willing to follow you. You will not abandon me in this life. I will not abandon you, and I will not die!"

At that time, the teenager did not think that one day... He would really do it for her, and never die!


Bai Yan stood silently behind the two men, calmly looking at the two young teenagers in front, she gently rubbed her lips, like an outsider.


The scene suddenly changed.

In front of the **** sky, the sun is burning, burning the entire sky.

The man in the black gown is standing under the sun. He is no longer the childish and stubborn teenager. On the contrary, he becomes more mature and stable.

His black gown was dyed red with bright red blood, and the blood on his chest was like a blooming rose, which was more red under the sun.

"I have promised that this life is for her, and it is not dead!"

From the day she got to him and he was healed, he was destined to follow her forever, and he never gave up.

Those who are opposite to the gods kill the sky, but even if the white is seriously injured, those people have never been able to help him.

His laughter was arrogant, and he kept resounding under this sun. It was also to let Bai Yan’s heart follow it tightly and clench his fists.

She wants to know how Xuanwu died in the end, so even if she is worried, she will force herself to continue watching.

Xuanwu is extremely powerful among the four beasts. Therefore, the attack of the people of the gods is fierce, and at the most, he is injured and cannot kill him...

But at this time, a strong force came from the rear and smashed the void, and when the basaltic reaction came, it was too late.

He turned quickly and snorted, and a long sword condensed with the air pierced his heart, and the blood spurted out like a fountain.


His eyes looked at the sky not far away, his eyes were extremely shocking and unbelievable, and... deep pain.

However, no one else found the same thing as Xuanwu, nor did he see the person standing in the sky. Only Bai Yan, following the eyes of Xuanwu, saw the whole body covered in white fog.

The man can't see whether it is a man or a woman. The appearance is extremely vague. It can also be seen from the expression of Xuanwu that they must know each other.

And... the relationship is excellent.

Otherwise, there will be no such heart-wrenching expression.

At this moment, the scene in front of Bai Yan disappeared. When she opened her eyes, Xuanwu was standing in front of her, and her respect was standing aside.

"Xuanwu..." Bai Yan decided to look at Xuanwu and said, "I will find out who the person is."

She never accepts betrayal, if the person is really their acquaintance, then she... can't let go of that person!

"I believe in the master."

Because of the aftermath of the contract, Xuanwu’s name has also changed, and she is no longer called her queen, but directly calls her master.

"Xuanwu, you don't have to follow me during this time. You want to protect them in the morning. Since we have other enemies, that person will not let us go..."

The only thing she can't put it down is the white little morning.

"Yes, master."

Xuanwu looked back at the white face and walked slowly toward the door. He helped Bai Yan close the door.


Demon world.

A **** moon hangs high in the void.

Chu clothing walked on the streets of the demon world, always feeling the back of the cold, some cold and cold, she squatted her arm and shuddered: "This demon world seems to be a bit horrible, and the atmosphere of his brother Almost, no wonder her brother is so scary." <>

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