In order to chase the husband, Huang Xiaoying has done everything. The only pity is that Xiaomi is not in the demon world. ???????

She wants to see and see him...


Chu Yiyi's eyes brightened, and she grasped Huang Xiaoying's little hand; "I am looking forward to Xiaomi's wife's scene, I will definitely help you! Can you take us to see Emperor Xiaoyun first?"

"Okay," Huang Xiaoying's smile is even brighter. "But you must help me to persuade Xiaomi. Besides my older age, I feel that everything else is not bad..."

"A little older?"

Chu Yiyi turned his head in a wrong way. This Huang Xiaoying is obviously a girl. How can her age be so big?

"Yes, Xiaomi dislikes me a little older than it, and refuses to accept me." Huang Xiaoying licked her mouth, and the appearance could be wronged.

"Can I ask, how old are you this year?"

Huang Xiaoying extended a finger.

"One year old?"

One year old is also normal, and some beasts are young girls.

Huang Xiaoying shook her head.

"That... ten years old?"

Isn't this a big difference?

Huang Xiaoying continued to shake her head: "I am a hundred years old..."


Once again, there was a thunder, and Chu Yiyi and Huang Xiaoying continued to be dumbfounded.

One hundred years old... is this age... bigger than their grandfather?

No wonder Xiaomi is so disgusting...

"Actually, I am still very young... Like Emperor Xiaoyun, I have been hundreds of years old in my impression, but the elders said that she is already a thousand years old." Huang Xiaoying licks her mouth and is depressed. Head, "Why can Xiaomi refuse to accept me?"

Lan Xiaoyun smiled twice.

Emperor Xiaoyun is a thousand years old!

She is actually a thousand years old!

And they... just know this...

The demon king palace.

Emperor Xiaoyun sat on the edge of the gazebo, holding his chin in his hand and looking up at the **** moon in the void.

"Wang Xiong has been away for a few days, haven't you brought the donkey and the morning child back?"

She hasn't seen them for a long time...

"His Royal Highness," a maiden ran in a hurry, and respectfully reported that "the tiger's young lady Huang Xiaoying came to see."

"Huang Xiaoying? What did she come to look for? I don't see it, except my nephew and my nephew and niece, I don't see anyone!" Emperor Xiaoyun snorted and twisted his head and said.

"But... Huang Xiaoying brought two girls to see you, and the two girls said that you are what is falling apart..."


The words of the palace girl have not been finished yet. I saw the girl in front of me, like a gust of wind, and quickly rushed outside the courtyard.

Far away, she saw two teenagers standing next to Huang Xiaoying.

Among the two girls, one of them is pretty bright, such as the bright sunshine and youthful vitality.

The other looks beautiful, like the water hibiscus, pure as water.

"Chu Yiyi, Blue Xiaoyun!"

Emperor Xiaoyun excitedly ran to the front of the two, giving the two men a deep hug.

"How come you are? How did you come in to the demon world? I will not send someone to say it to me. I am so good to pick you up."

At the beginning, Emperor Xiaoyun and Chu clothes together, usually speaking less than a few words will play a big fight.

Can be said to be good, do not know each other, just because they have played many times, only now have a deep friendship.

Of course, more importantly, Chu Yiyi gave up helping Chu Yifeng to pursue the scorpion. Otherwise, even if their feelings are deep, she will never see Chu clothes again.

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