In an instant, Emperor Xiaoyun’s face sank.

"The slaves meet the princess."

The woman stepped forward and bowed reverently.

This woman, it was the white fox that Emperor Xiaoyun came back from the outside, named Qiu Yue.

"National teacher," Emperor Xiaoyun turned to look at the national teacher, did not pay attention to this woman, "she has been following you?"

Over the years, there has been no woman around the National Teacher. It has always been a singularity. Apart from her, the national teacher will not let women approach him...

Therefore, seeing this white fox can follow behind the national division, the feeling of Emperor Xiaoyun is a bit boring, even more uncomfortable.

Guo Shi naturally knows what happened to Emperor Xiaoyun. He licked her little head, smiled softly, and looked at him with all his eyes: "Don't you say that you will believe me?"

When Xiaoyun was at a glance, she nodded. "I said."

Yes, she should believe in the national teacher. The national teacher cannot treat other women with special treatment.


After she had just said this in her mind, she was shocked by herself.

Is it... she also has a national teacher in her heart?

Otherwise, why do you care if someone else follows him?

She clearly wants to have a lovely accept the national teacher.

"You took your friends and strolled around. After this time, I will give you a surprise."

The smile of the national teacher is very gentle, and his eyes are full of girls in front of him.

"Okay," Emperor Xiaoyun laughed again, her eyebrows bent, beautiful and moving. "Then I will wait for you, clothes, Xiaoyun, I will take you to the demon world."

After saying this, Emperor Xiaoyun left Lan Xiaoyun and Chu Yiyi to leave.

As for Huang Xiaoying...

Then she was forgotten.

Huang Xiaoying was staring at the direction of Emperor Xiaoyun’s departure. How did she feel that she was abandoned?


Huang Xiaoying looked at the emperor Xiaoyun and looked at the national teacher again. I always feel that the two people are close to each other?

The good news, she has to go back to inform the old lady and grandmother.

Thinking of this, Huang Xiaoying also forgot the sadness of being abandoned, and excitedly ran outside the palace.

Throughout the hospital, only the National Teacher and Baihu Qiuyue were left behind.

"Qiu Yue, the princess kindly accepts you, if you dare to let her not be happy..." The scorpion of the national division turned cold and turned to the woman behind him. "The national teacher, the first one will not let you go!"

If it is not for her to go out and have something to do, she will not be assured that this unidentified woman will remain in the palace, and she is afraid that the simple Xiaoyun will be deceived and hurt by her, and he will not take her to work with her.

It’s just these things. I can’t let Xiaoyun know for a while. After he has found out the identity of this woman, tell her...

"National Master, slaves are not..."

Qiu Yue’s eyes flashed a panic, and he slammed down and said weakly.

"I don't care if you are deliberate, as long as it makes Xiaoyun not happy, it is your fault," said the national teacher. "There is a place where there is a small cloud in the future. You are not allowed to appear! Let me find you dare. Unauthorized appearance in front of her, I will not let you go!"

I would rather kill a thousand, and he would not want to let go of someone who would harm the Emperor Xiaoyun!

"The slaves obey."

"You can go down."

The national teacher waved his sleeves and looked cold and indifferent.

Qiu Yue slowly took up from the ground and walked away from the door. Soon, the white dress disappeared behind him. <>

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