Wen Yiguang flashes: "You want to let you marry him, deliberately lie to you, there is only one way to take out the Chitose, take the lotus, I let you do this, not what I want Chitose, I just don't want to let the snow fall into the hands of outsiders. Can you understand?"

The implication is that I act like this for the snow house, and there is no point for myself.

In the eyes of Xuelian, there is a moving color: "Cousin, you are so good to me... If you become the next owner of the Xue family, you will not waste my efforts, such as his kind of misbehaving, will inevitably The scourge of the snow home."

Wen Yi will bring Xuelian into her arms. ..

At this moment, Xuelian did not see the sinister arc of Wenyi's mouth, and it was no longer gentle...


Snow house.

The window screens are light, the teenager is lying on the bed, and his face is paler under the sun.

His brows were wrinkled and his face was painful.

In the dream.

It is a snow-capped snow mountain.

Behind the juvenile, there were countless fierce beasts chasing him. He was flustered. One accidentally fell to the ground, and the blood stained the snow. He turned his head in a panic and saw that the monsters had stepped into the front, sharp. The paws were drawn down and he was so shocked that he closed his eyes...

Facing the fear of death.

For a long time, the claws did not fall, the teenager’s eyes opened a gap, and for a time, a beautiful figure was in front of him...

Even if it is only a back, it reverses the sentient beings, and the slamming is on his heart.

"You guys are so bold!"

The woman’s voice was crisp and cold, and she screamed: “I said before that any monsters must not hurt humans for no reason. Can you forget my words?”

The former beast who was besieging the juvenile, some of the teenagers who fell in love with the eyes and fell to the ground, after all, retired.

Of course, the reluctant look is just reluctant to let such a delicious human flesh be let go of them...

After the monsters retired, the girl slowly turned.

Until this moment, the juvenile only understood that what is shocking to be a heavenly person, a crown of the world.

She reached out to him and smiled. "How are you? Can you hurt?"

The young man stared at the woman's brilliant face, his hand fell on her hand, and then the power stood up from the snow.

"I have nothing, just... thank you..."

"It's okay," the woman smiled and said, "I see your strength is a bit low, so... I have a lotus flower here, I will give it to you, you must water it with your own blood every day, until a hundred days later, it will recognize You are the master, and then... it will bring a lot of help to your cultivation."

The young boy took the lotus brought by the woman: "Why are you helping me?"

"Nothing, just seeing you, thinking of myself, I was always being chased by people, but it was only people who chased me. If it was adopted by the white grandfather of the shrine, I would not have it today. Life, so, I want to help you, as for what you want in the future, look at your own creation..."

The woman's sleeves are shallow, and her smiling look is deeply engraved in the hearts of the teenager.

Just after giving the lotus to him, the woman never said anything more, and she stopped looking at him and turned to go forward...

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