I can't repay this life, owe you, and I hope that it will be repaid in the future.

Next, his dreams flashed like fast-forward. Every time, he couldn't find a woman who would let her go with her life. So every time, he is alone in cultivation.

Until that day, in the house of the country of the fire, the woman’s lips were shallow, and she smiled and asked: “Hey, why are you so good to me?”

However, he is a ghost to return to her: "Maybe the past owes you a human condition, so this world will let me come to your side, the debt that has not yet been completed."

At that time, he never thought that he would be able to come to her side in this life, only for the benefit of the previous life.


In the snow house, the frowning brow of the teenager finally came loose, and a line of tears flowed down from the corner of his eyes, soaking the sheets under him. ..

It turned out to be...

He was able to become her younger brother in this life because she had saved him. He came for revenge, so this woman was engraved in his heart, let him be her, and willing to do everything.

Perhaps it was the white, cold and open eyes, so that the woman standing next to him was shocked and stepped back a few steps.

Fortunately, she hid the dagger in her hand in time, and was not discovered by the teenager on the bed...

"You..." Xuelian hurriedly covered up the panic in his eyes and asked with a bite. "Are you awake?"

She just wanted to pick up the lotus and pick up the lotus. I didn't expect the boy to wake up...

In case he yelled and yelled at him, it would be awful.


The white voice was a bit dry and hoarse. He turned his head and looked at the snow lotus that fell to the ground. The brow was lightly wrinkled: "Where is this?"

Xuelian was a bit dull at the time.

The boy is so beautiful, very beautiful, and the voice is so beautiful...

However, thinking of his doing this for the power of the Xue family, let Xuelian's eyes pass a disgust.

What he hates most is the person who gets nothing.

In order to marry her, but also for the snow family forces, he actually forced the integration of Chitose, such a man ... looks good and makes her very disgusting.

"Since you wake up, you will go to me and say," Xuelian climbed up from the ground and raised her chin. "I can't marry you. You have died. I have already There are men who like, he is much better than you, and he is more self-reliant than you! You want to marry me, it is a delusion!"

White frowning, cold words: "I don't know you, I don't want to marry you."

Xuelian stunned and widened his eyes in surprise.

This man said that he didn't want to marry her?

Didn't he just run for the power of the Snow House before he rushed to steal the Chitose? Let the fallacy of Chitose to recognize him as the Lord?

As a result, he also denied his behavior?

"You are playing with me?" Xuelian gritted his teeth and swears. "You are a man like me. I really see more people. Everyone is playing with me. I thought I would believe it?" You must personally mention with me, never marry me as a wife, otherwise... I would rather die than marry you!"

She is Miss Xue Jia, this snowy area loves her men too much, compared to those who like to use her desire to attract her attention, she prefers to directly admit.

Is it not good to be a person directly? It is necessary to marry her with her means. With this, she cannot accept him.

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