Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1626: Chu clothing and white 潇 (3)

"This **** doesn't wear clothes in front of me. She is clearly greedy for the power of Xue Xue. You immediately drive him out!"

The teenager was lying on the bedside, and when he heard the snow lotus, the corner of his mouth sang a satirical arc.

Drive him out? Can't ask for it.

Just now he was taking medicine for the wound of the chest, hoping that the injury could recover faster, so that he could leave the smoky place, who knows that the young lady of the Xue family rushed in.

Estimated that, is it to want to yell at him? Or is it extremely humiliating?

However, when she saw his naked chest, she screamed, and then everyone else came...

The snow eagle didn't have to think about it. It must be that Xuelian rushed in when the juvenile was applying the medicine. He also poked a palladium. His face suddenly sank and screamed: "Lian Er, you are useless and no use, you must Marry him."

Xuelian’s eyes narrowed, and then turned to look at the snow eagle: “Hey, you must be cheated by this person. You can’t stand up even if you can’t stand up. How can it be the owner of Chitose? I’m watching my cousin. It is..."

"Enough!" Snow Eagle yelled. "This is my decision. Don't talk too much. You don't want to marry and you must marry me."

A pair of icy scorpions from the snow lotus moved to the snow eagle from the body of Xuelian. The cool and thin lips raised: "I am very grateful to the snow family for saving me seriously. However, it is impossible for me to marry this woman. My white marriage is not enough for others to figure out!"

The face of the snow eagle has changed.

A snow lotus has made it difficult for him to get it. This boy still refuses to marry him.

What is wrong with his snow house? How many men in the world want to marry her daughter?

Why did he give him a good thing, can he refuse?

"Bai Gongzi, you don't know, there is a rule in my snow house, who can surrender Qianlonglian, who is the son-in-law of my snow house," Snow Eagle's face was a little smooth, good words, " You can't always let me set the rules and ignore them?"

Bai Yan’s cold smile: “The rule of Xue’s family, what about this outsider? I don’t want to worry about it. After the injury, I will naturally leave. As for your salvation, I will wait for you later. Will give you a reward..."

However, he never wants to return in his own life.

No one can force him!

The snow eagle's smile is a little reluctant, and he is planning to persuade two more words, and the snow lotus on the side is also angry.

"Hey, can't you see it? This man is in the high clear, he knows that you can't let him go, so deliberately say this, then my heart will deepen my feelings, but I have seen all the things I did, so shameless. Awkward man, no one in this life likes him!"


When Chu’s clothes rushed, the sound of Xuelian’s high-pitched voice was heard.

It’s just that she couldn’t hold the other in her eyes, and the excited eyes looked at the teenager in bed.

Her gaze gradually moved down, slamming, the wound in the chest of the teenager fell into her eyes, like a sword, tied to her heart.

Over the years, she has always been obsessed with the day, but she still does not understand why, when she saw the day again, she suddenly realized...

It turned out that the fragile teenager of that year was already printed on her heart, and it will never be forgotten.

"Get out!"

Chu Yiyi pushed the snow lotus in front of him and ran to the white rush.

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