The white face was getting colder and colder. He raised his hand and pulled Chu clothes behind him. He looked at the snow house coldly and coldly.

"If your remedy is stolen, you should go there immediately, instead of entangled an innocent woman here. If your snow family can't accommodate us, then we will leave now, don't continue to disturb, clothes, let's go."


Chu clothing, a sigh, just behind the white, turned and decided to go out of the door.


They have not been able to sell a step, and the guards of the Xue family have stopped their way.

The footsteps of Bai Yu stopped. He turned his back to the snow eagle behind him. His body was cold and cold: "Snow master, what do you mean? I have not recovered completely, but I can walk down the ground, you What does it mean to stop us from leaving?"

"Bai Gongzi, you misunderstood, I am not letting you go, but the Xuejia's remedy has been stolen. Now everyone in the Xue family can't leave, and I have to wait until I find Tianshen Dan."

The snow eagle faintly smiles, the voice is not urgent or slow: "Come, send the girl to the room to rest, if I find the real thief, I will naturally leave the girl."

Although the Snow Eagle did not explicitly accuse Chu of being a thief, he apparently suspected that she was...

Otherwise, why is Tian Shen Dan so good, since the first day of Chu Yiyi, he was stolen?

Of course, if there is no snow lotus to help Wen Yi steal the drug, his first suspect is Wen Yi, but Xue Lian has already made him for him. He is going to steal again. Isn't that all the more?

Other than that, he has not thought of other people...

"Hey," Xue Lian squatted and squinted. "White and she are also a group. I think we still tied them up and sent them to the torture court."

The snow eagle's face sank and coldly swept to Xuelian: "You shut me up, no matter whether the theft of Tianshen Dan is related to Bai Gongzi, you must marry him!"

This idiot, I really don't know what it means for Chitose to the Snow House? With the same thing as Chitose, he can forgive whatever the day has done.


If the **** of the gods is really the girl who is next to the white stolen, then his snow eagle... can never let her go!

No one dares to steal things in their snow house!

"Are you sure you want to move her?"

The white sneer sneered, and he firmly guarded Chu’s clothes and looked at the people in front of him with no expression.

When I was in the mainland, Chu clothing was stronger than him, both strength and identity. It has always been Chu clothing to protect him, and this time... it is the first time he protects the person behind him.

Chu Yiyi stared at the young and delicate boy in front of him.

It was the first time I found out... The thin shoulders of the teenager gave her a feeling of peace of mind.

The feeling of being protected by a loved one is so beautiful, even though the teenager in front does not know her heart...

"Come, send the girl back to the room to rest!"

The snow eagle sank and sank again, and screamed again.

"Hey!" The snowy moon was red and anxiously turned to the snow eagle. "Sister Chu will definitely not do these things wrong. There must be someone else in the theft, you are..."

"shut up!"

The snow eagle’s eyes were cold and he yelled.

Compared with Xuelian, he really likes the snow moon, because the snow moon is more intelligent than the snow lotus...

But even if he gave the snow moon a great love, he would not change his decision for a daughter. <>

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