
Why now...she will appear in this place?

The snow eagle clenched his fist tightly. He didn't realize that his palm was covered with cold sweat and his face was pale.

"Who are you?" Snow Lotus did not notice the snow eagle's strangeness, she said slyly. "However, I don't care who you are, I take him away immediately. I can never marry a fatherless." Mother orphan!"

Bai Yan coldly swept her eyes on the snow lotus.

In this eyes, there is boundless cold.

"She is a white sister, Bai Yan."

Chu clothing under the medicinal herbs, has recovered almost, she forced the arm of Chu Yifeng, slowly stood down, the lips provoke a satirical arc, cold sweeping to the snow home people.

"I just said that if Bai Yan is coming, your snow house will be finished, hahaha!"


The snow eagle's face became bloodless, and his clenched fist trembled fiercely.

The shackles of Chu’s clothes were blown up in his mind like a thunder, and he could not calm down for a long time...

After the demon, the white woman, the woman who has suffered a big loss in the shrine, is the sister of the white sister?

How could this be……

This time, they have been recruiting a lot of disasters!

"I don't care who you are, you quickly take your brother away, even if I want to let me and him have a room, I will never!"

Even if Bai Hao is now resolute, let Xuelian finally understand that this man really wants to leave, but .....

She is used to being used.

Even if Bai Hao now shows a firm attitude, she will also think that it is under the strong rejection that she will show anger and anger.

In her impression, the boy who was seriously injured in front of him, or the one who forced the fusion of Chitose in order to become a Snow Maiden...

"To shut up!"

The snow eagle was angry, and the slapped fan was in the face of Xuelian.

He used a lot of power in this palm. Xuelian’s cheeks suddenly became red and swollen. Her eyes were full of incredulity, with tears of grievances: “爹”

Snow eagle's palm trembled, he just wanted to fan again, and the gentleman on the side hurriedly said that Xuelian was pulled aside, frowning tightly and said: "Uncle, you are too cruel to Lian, even if you know these People stole my **** Tian Dan, and let Lian Er marry them. Can you think about the feelings of Lian Er? What Lian Er wants is a man who is willing to rely on his own ability, rather than this plan to pass the snow home. One step to the sky."

If it wasn't for the Snow Eagle that was already mad, he wouldn't let Wen Yi say this in front of Bai Yan.

But when he wants to stop it, it’s too late, and all the words have already blurted out...

Compared to the inner anger, the Snow Eagle is more panic. ,

He turned his head and found that the woman who had been holding the white scorpion had slowly stood up from the ground.

"Emperor Cang, can you take care of me for the day? Also, all the things here today are handled by me personally, don't interfere."

When I was in the country of the fire, I was always protecting her with white enamel. Later, when she came back, she did not give much help to Bai Bai.

On the contrary, he, in order to have enough strength to protect her, one person goes out, after many hardships, is even more reluctant to use her power to climb to the top...

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