If it is... in this life, she really wants to marry someone, it is not bad to marry such a gentle national teacher.

at least……

He will not intimidate him as much as Wang Xiong.

"So..." Emperor Xiaoyun raised a firm voice. "I really want to marry you now, I am serious!"

In the past, she was afraid to become the wife of the national teacher. One of them was that she did not want to marry, and the other was too familiar with the national teacher. The acquaintances were not very good at starting...

And recently promised the national teacher, it is because she wants to have a child too much.

But now, she is from the heart, and sincerely wants to marry the national teacher.

"Xiaoyun..." The gentleman's eyes like the gentleman of the country seem to kill people.

He raised his hand and pulled Di Xiaoyun into his arms, pressing her head tightly, and letting her head rest on his chest.

"I will wait for you to remember all the things, anyway, I have waited for a thousand years, and it is not bad at any time."

Emperor Xiaoyun fluttered with long eyelashes: "National Master... We were a couple before the millennium? Otherwise why have you been so good to me since I returned to the demon world?"

It is a pity that her memory about the millennium ago is only a dispute between Bai Yan and the gods, and it is not all the entanglements. About the national teacher... she can't think too much.


The finger of the national teacher’s slender licked the blue silk of the emperor Xiaoyun, and the gentle road.

They are not husband and wife, they almost become husband and wife.

In the past, there was such a change, which caused the emperor Xiaoyun to disappear for many years.

When she found her, she was sealed with strength, and even the memory disappeared...

But it doesn't matter, he can wait for her, and the millennium has been waiting, how can he care about the district for a few years?

One day, Xiaoyun will remember everything in the past, she will remember him...

Suddenly, the national teacher seems to have sensed something, and the light is sinking, holding the body of Emperor Xiaoyun tightly.

"National teacher, what happened?"

Emperor Xiaoyun’s head, the incomprehensible eyes fell on the national teacher.

"The demon palace has an accident. The people I sent to be around Qiu Yue have lost contact with me!" The eyes of the national teacher became more and more cold.

Sure enough, that Qiu Yue really has problems...

It’s just that he secretly sent people to follow this for so long, and he didn’t find any problems on her. Why did he have something to do when he left the demon palace with Xiaoyun?

"What?" Emperor Xiaoyun's beautiful face changed greatly, and he hurriedly pulled the sleeves of the national division. "What should I do? We rushed back to the demon palace. Qiu Yue was brought back to the demon palace. I can't let the demon The people in the palace are hurt."

The national teacher’s eyes sank a few points: “The targets of those people are no longer demon palaces. If you don’t bring Qiu Yue back to the demon palace, the demon world will still have an accident, but the danger of the realm has been lifted. This time, we must deal with our demon world. Who is it?"

He was afraid that Emperor Xiaoyun would blame himself, so he explained two sentences.

Qiu Yue originally came to the demon world and had nothing to do with the emperor Xiaoyun. Even if she did not bring her back to the demon palace, the demon world would sooner or later...

Just did not expect that this thing will come so fast, so that he has no chance to respond.

"Xiaoyun, no matter what happens later, you don't have to worry about me, immediately leave the demon world, go to the gods to find the king!"

"National Division!"..

Emperor Xiaoyun clenched his lips and shook his head.

"You are almost becoming a husband, how can I leave you alone? Besides, as a demon princess, naturally I can't leave the demon people! So, no matter what happens to the demon world, I have to be with the demon world. Sharing, saving, and dying!"

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