She is stupid, stupid, but who is good to her, who is not good to her, she is clear.

She is not the kind of person who knows what is wrong or not...

"So I am relieved in the morning," Bai Xiaochen breathed a sigh of relief. He returned to embrace the body of Di Xiaoyun's slightly trembling voice and said, "Aunt, mother-in-law must be waiting for us at home, and there is no good fortune in the morning." Every day, I eat the rice that my mother has cooked and cook. Now, for the aunt and the mother, the kitchen that has not been moved for a long time has moved."

Emperor Xiaoyun wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and smiled at his lips. "Well, I like the craft of the scorpion. In the morning, we go home to eat."

Before leaving, she looked back at the hail in the stone room, her eyes narrow and her firmness.

National teacher, regardless of the ends of the earth, I will find you, this life will not give up!


In the elegant palace lobby, the table is full of delicious dishes, and when you look at it, you can't help but drool.

I looked at my eyes early every day, and I swallowed my mouth with difficulty. He was so excited that he wanted to reach out, but he was photographed by his side Linger with his white and tender claws.

"Every day, wait for your aunt to eat with your big brother."

Linger's watery eyes glared at every day, and he was not allowed to move the table first.

Every day, he grievances, but this time, he listened to Linger’s words, and he took his hand back, pitifully staring at the dishes on the table.

"That... I will wait for my aunt and my big brother to come back."

My mother said that her aunt is in a bad mood recently, so he must be obedient and not to make his aunt more unhappy. These delicious people should also let their aunts eat first.

He... just let it go.

Every day, the saliva hangs from the corner of his mouth and falls to the ground. He took a sip and swallowed the saliva. He raised his hand and wiped his mouth. His face was coveted.

However, he still resisted the urge to enjoy the food, sitting on the sidelines.

Xiao Longer was serving the food for Bai Yan, but she did not come out. Her little man ran very fast, and the palace lady next to her wanted to intervene and she refused.

She is very happy to do things for Bai Yan, even if this is a trivial matter, she can satisfy her...

"Mother, my aunt and I are back!"

Just then, a tender voice came from outside the door.

After hearing this voice, I almost got excited from the stool every day.

When my brother and my aunt came back, it proved that... can he enjoy the food as much as he can?


Linger stood up and shouted.

Although it was quite cute every day, after seeing Linger getting up, he immediately stood up and softly called: "Aunt, eat."

These two little guys are soft and cute, and once again melted the mind of Emperor Xiaoyun.

Her heart is quiet.

This is the tranquility that has never existed since the death of the National Teacher.

"You don't have to wait for me in the future."

"Not good," Linger shook his head. "Mothers have educated Linger. They must know how to be young and orderly. They don't have time to accompany us, but we must wait for our aunt to eat together, and Linger and every day are not. hungry."

Every day, I swallowed again and again, staying in the buddy: "Aunt, not hungry every day, waiting for my aunt to eat together."

At this time, the last soup of Bai Yan was also completed. If it was not for Emperor Xiaoyun, she would not cook herself.

Bai Xiaochen has not tasted the dishes she made by herself for a long time.

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