The elders stunned: "Why is the king intended?"

"Because... the National Teacher's Association is on the mainland."

Emperor Cang hooked his lips and his voice was very cool.

The elders were silent again: "Under normal circumstances, no one can help others to reincarnate. Why can the king determine that the National Teacher's Association is on the mainland, not in the realm of the gods, or elsewhere?"

"In order to find him, the king wants him to go to the mainland before his reincarnation. The national teacher has Xiaoyun to give him the beast, his talent... will be very strong!"

"I understand."

The elder's mouth was pumped.

These days, the king has been missing the beginning and the end of the dragon. It turned out to be a matter of busy the national division... The king is always hard-hearted, and for the happiness of the princess, he will do whatever he can to help her...

However, when I thought of the death of the national teacher, the dawn of the elders was dimmed, and the face contained a bitter smile.

If the national teacher is still good...

"The elders, the people who killed the national division, can find the origin?" The eyes of Emperor Cang were calm and waveless.

But anyone can perceive that within this calm, there is a powerful storm...

Everyone in the world speaks ruthlessly, and not to mention the Emperor Cang of the demon king.

The feelings of the beast can only be for those around you.

He is very sultry to the enemy, and he is particularly strict with his subordinates. He treats him with infatuation, and he is a national teacher who has followed him for many years... He will certainly let those people blood! debt! blood! Reimbursement!

"Qi Wang, I asked the lower house of the princess. She said that those people can't seem to come to this place. They can come to the demon world through a fox. Therefore, I venture to guess that those people are not from the gods. ""

Now in the realm of the gods, no one has dared to hurt the monsters, and those people... are naturally not people of the realm of God.

Since it is not a god, there is only one possibility...


The light of the Emperor Cang was horrible and horrible, and said coldly: "Those people come from the field."

In the realm of the gods, the most powerful people are just the realm of mysterious gods, and the lords above the mysterious gods do not exist.

This is not the gods who broke through to the lord.

But once you reach the lord, you can not only break the void, but also open up a space for yourself.

The other people in the space are unable to reach, nor can they see the existence of space, so space is called the field.

"A few years ago, ordinary people could not enter the field. People in the field could enter and exit at will, but the wars in various fields kept going. In order to quell this war, thousands of years ago, one of the lords came forward and sealed with their own body as a medium. Exports in various fields, as long as they are above the mysterious gods, cannot be left at will. I seem to remember that the lord who sacrificed himself and calmed the war was called... Tianyan Lord."

The elders thought of the knowledge they saw from ancient books many years ago, their faces were extremely ugly, and his breathing became somewhat unsmooth.

"Wang, if it is really a person in the field, I am afraid..."

Emperor Cang's eyebrows are cold and the red lips are rising: "How about the field? With the help of the king's men, the king will one day be able to level the field and let everyone in the field be buried with the national teacher!"

The elders were slightly indulged. He knew that the words of Emperor Cang would definitely be realized.

The hatred of the national teacher must also be reported.

It is imperative now to find out who is killing the national division.

"The little fox that the princess said before will definitely know the identity of the person. Unfortunately, the little fox has died and can no longer die. The soul does not exist. I am afraid it is difficult for us to find out the identity of the other party."

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