These words made the man's face look better, and he said with a blank expression: "If you have nothing, you will retreat first. During this time, you will stare at Yun Ruo, don't let him make any moths."

Cloudless looked at the man, and some of his words stopped.

In the end, he settled his mind and said: "The Lord, there is one thing I don't know should be said."

"What is it?"

"It’s about Yun's girl," Wu Yun carefully looked up at the man. "You sent someone to save the cloud girl that day, and arranged her in the Yunyuan. The ladies in the palace thought that the lord likes Yunna. Even Yunxiao believes that you saved her because of your fancy..."

If the cloud is so self-righteous, it is impossible to take advantage of the lord of the lord without cloud.

Hearing this, the man was not angry, but ironically hooked his lips: "If she is still her, maybe the lord will have some interest in her, but she is so hypocritical, it really makes me sick. If she does not have the value of use, the lord will not leave her."

When the voice arrived, he paused again and continued: "But... she wants to think so, as long as she can help the lord to deal with the Emperor in the future, no matter what she does, you don't have to stop, as long as you don't leave the field. ""

"Yes, Lord Lord."

Cloudless elders hold the fist.

The man stopped and said: "You step back."


The cloudless elder did not continue to bother, and he immediately went out when he fell, and also helped the man close the door.

After the door was closed, the man slowly closed his eyes, and after a long time, he only opened.

"If I can break through as a true God, this area will not trap me. Unfortunately, I have spent a million years, and I have never been able to break through the final bottleneck..."

Since the founding of the mainland, there have only been two true gods.

One... is the emperor of the beasts thousands of years ago!

The other is the woman who can grow up under the control of the beast...

Except them, no one breaks through to be the true God.

The true God has become a legend.

The celestial lord thousands of years ago was the only one who was close to the true God.

After all, it is not a true god, and the strength is not a little bit. Therefore, he must use his own body at the cost to stop the war in various fields.

If he becomes a true god, he only needs to wave his hand, and the people in the world will not dare to follow.

Therefore, the lords in many fields will be so attached to the true God...

Even if you know that this is just a legend, no one will give up!

Turbulent, the man smiled low, and the smile was scornful and mocking: "Other people can't break through to the true God, it doesn't mean I can't..."

In addition to breaking through to the true God, there is a way to get the true God.

That is... the heart of the true God!

It is a pity that if the strength of the woman is too weak, even if she does not have the realm of the lord, she must break through the mysterious god, and he can use her heart...

Therefore, she is the only one who can help him deal with the Emperor.

When he breaks through to be the true God and breaks the **** left by Tianyan, he can immediately go to the demon world! At that time, under the heavens and the earth, who else would dare not from him?

Of course, if you take a real heart of true God, he can immediately break through as the true God! Unfortunately, there is no true God in the world, so he can only turn to the next and use the heart of the reincarnation of the true God...

The premise is that he must get the same thing, in order to let him use her heart to break through the true God, such things, in the demon world...

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