At the beginning, if she was returned to the Holy Land by her master, Zheng Qi, she would not have been safe and secure for so many years...

The three Masters' grace to her will not be forgotten in her life. With {梦}小◢.1a

"Let's go..."

Bai Yan took the hand of Bai Xiaochen, and handed the hand of Xiaolinger to the bottom of the demon mountain...


Not far from the thunder and lightning, Xiao Linger's small face was slightly white, and the subconsciously shrank in the arms of Bai Yan, and the two arms firmly clasped her.

Bai Yan whispered the little buns: "Linger is not afraid, just thunder, and the mother will protect you."


Xiao Linger nodded, but her little body was still in the arms of Bai Yan, it seems that only in her arms, there will be such a feeling of peace of mind........


When Bai Yan looked up and looked at the lightning power not far away, the bottom of his eyes finally showed a meditation.

She always felt that the smell of lightning was too familiar. I was familiar with it... I saw it somewhere, but I couldn’t remember it for another time...

Maybe in the near future, the demon world can no longer be peaceful.

The only thing she can do is to protect the little guys around me.

"Linger, morning, don't leave the demon palace in these few days, I always feel that something big is going to happen."

The white brow was locked, and the uneasiness in the bottom of the eye was so strong that it was so intense that she was flustered.

Fortunately, Xiao Linger's soft body made her mind gradually wake up, her arms gently covered the little girl in her arms, and the depth of her eyes was cold.

No matter who it is, if she dares to move her child, then she will definitely let him die without a place of burial!


After walking down the demon mountain, far away, Bai Yan saw the peerless man standing under the morning breeze.

The man’s gloomy, cool look at the moment he saw her was immediately full of gentleness.

He is like a piece of ice, but she is melted into a clear water, and the whole pair of phoenixes only reflect the figure of the woman...


His voice is magnetic, slightly hoarse, and the light of Bai Yan slowly rises and falls on the beautiful face of men.

"Dang Cang, I think of it..."

Bai Yan slowly closed his eyes.

In the year of retreat, she recalled too many things, those things that were forgotten by her.

She also remembered, the gods of the millennium, how much the man paid for her...

In this life, she owes him, only to use all the days to pay him back.

The Emperor's eyebrows moved lightly. After hearing the woman's words, his body shape suddenly disappeared in front of him. In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of him.

He raised his hand and pulled the woman into his arms. The slender fingers stroked her blue silk, and it was gentle: "Whether it was thousands of years ago or now, you are the only wife of my emperor!"

This is a permanent mark!

It will not change in life.

"Little Linger, let's not bother to talk about love and love," Bai Xiaochen took Xiaoling's little hand and smiled brilliantly. "Let's go to the aunt."


Xiao Linger snorted and blinked. She still didn't understand what happened, but she knew that her big brother said it was right...

She stayed and will disturb her mother.

Therefore, she allowed her to take her little hand and walk slowly from the foot of the mountain.

Just before she left, she looked back at Bai Yan and Emperor Cang, and the innocent eyes were filled with curiosity and sorrow...

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