As long as Linger no longer disappears, let him do anything well, even if he doesn't touch those foods for a lifetime.

I can think of giving my own copy to Xiao Linger in the future. Every day, I feel a little distressed, but for my sister, he is willing to give up all the delicacies.

Xiao Linger put her head on the chest of Emperor Cang, she seems to be a little tired, gently closed her eyes...

"Emperor Cang, let's go back first."

Bai Yan’s eyes were lightly sinking. Before she left, she looked back at the demon mountain behind her eyes, with a flickering light in her eyes...

In any case, she will find out who is being held in the demon mountain.

She does not allow anyone to hurt her daughter!

Thinking of this, Bai Yan slowly turned her head. This time, she did not look at the mountains behind her, but took Bai Xiaochen and her daily hands to the direction of the palace...

After leaving, Emperor Cang immediately sent people to the demon mountain, trying to find the man in the mouth of Xiao Linger, but the demon people went on a trip, but they did not see what Linger said from beginning to end. A cave.

Not to mention the man in the hole...

Therefore, Emperor Cang can only delay this matter.

Fortunately, Linger's grade is still small, it is easier to forget. She didn't take long to forget the man of the demon mountain. Naturally, the day's things were forgotten.

Therefore, both Emperor Cang and Bai Xiaochen did not know. On that day, the man not only scared Linger, but also took her first kiss...

So many years later, they met again, and they both entangled.

If you know all of this, I am afraid that Emperor Cangning will destroy the entire demon mountain, and will find the man to frustrate!



Inside the antique mansion, the man with his hands on his back and standing under the stars, he did not know what he was thinking, a face filled with cold and gloomy, and the eyebrows seemed to have been stormed.


The old man did not know when he stood behind the man, and he was respectful: "I don't know if the lord called me to come, what is the order?"

"If the cloud cherishes that woman can be safe for a few days?" The man frowned. When he talked about the name of the cloud, his face was a little annoyed.

Such a hypocritical woman, he still can not imagine, she is the true God of thousands of years ago.

"The lord of the Kailu, the cloud girl recently wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of the lord, and did not provoke any more." The old man honestly reported.

The man sneered at the lips: "As long as she does not leave the field, other things can be casually made by her. Anyway, she is just a tool that I use for me."

If it weren’t for the use of the cloud, it might be too big, maybe... the woman couldn’t have been in front of him.

"In addition," the man frowned more and more. "I heard that Tianyan is back?"

In this life, there are not many people he admire, only three people.

First, the two true gods thousands of years ago.

A ruling orc, one leading human.

In addition, only the rising star of Tianyan can make him look good.

It’s a pity... these three people don’t have a long life to live! Only he can stand on the side of all beings in the future, and let everyone in the world surrender to him!

"The lord, Tianyan did come back, so recently the lords of all major fields are discussing how to break through the seal of Tianyan and how to deal with Tianyan."

Tianyan, the first strongman thousands of years ago.

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