Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 1718: Want to please the little Linger (1)

Wen Yunfeng?

Xiao Linger glared at her small head. She always felt that the name was very familiar. It seemed to have been heard somewhere, but I couldn’t remember it for a while...

"Grandpa, you really won't sell me?" Xiaoling's watery eyes are like Wang Qingquan. "The aunt just wanted to abduct me, I don't want to go with her..."

She doesn't like her, she doesn't have a reason.

"Don't worry, you stay in my house during this time. No one can take you away. You are here to wait for your parents to pick you up."

Tian Yan peeled a piece of orange for Xiao Linger and stuffed it into her little mouth.

Xiao Linger's movement is very Sven, whispering the oranges, but there is no water flowing down.

"Housekeeper," Tian Yan looked up and looked at the butler who stood in front of him and respectfully waited. His voice was cold and serious. "Take the words of the lord just now. In the future, Linger is the treatment of Miss Xiao in the government. Who would dare? Disrespectful to her, directly escaping from the mansion, there are no people in my house who do not obey orders."

The man was so arrogant and the voice was domineering, but the butler was stunned.

He always thought that the lord said this in the face of Miss Gu, for fear that they would bully the Linger girl, but did not expect him to be serious...

But for the command of Tianyan, the butler did not dare to disobey, and he bowed his fist with respect and respect: "Yes, Lord Lord."

"Go on."

Tianyan stopped, cold road.

The housekeeper no longer talked, and under the eyes of Tian Yan, he walked slowly toward the hospital.

In an instant, within the entire courtyard, only Tianyan and Xiao Linger were left.

He always holds the little Linger's small body, and her eyes are full of tenderness and tenderness. From time to time, she will peel a piece of fruit for her.

Looking at the little guy to eat the fruit he handed to his mouth, his handsome face raised a satisfying smile.

In this life, his most regrettable thing is that he did not accompany any child to grow up.

Yan Er left him from a young age, and the morning child did not grow under his wings. This is his regret.

Therefore, when he sees the younger teeth of the young teeth, he will want to spoil her.

However...not for any child, Tianyan will have feelings. If Xiaolinger is born with a kind of intimacy, he will be ignored if he is indifferent to his nature.

"Linger, you like eating so much, if my daughter is around, her craft will definitely make you like it."

The face of the white face appeared in the mind of Tian Yan, and the corner of the lips slightly slid a touch of curvature.

In his life, the most owed is the mother and daughter of Ning Er and Yan Er, and even the days accompanying them are so short...

When he has solved all the enemies, she will go back to find them and give them peace of mind.

“Really?” Xiao Ling’s eyes were bright and bright, more dazzling than the stars, her fingers lit her lips, and her smile was as bright as the sun. “Is she compared with Ling’s mother?”

Tian Yan was stunned. In his heart, Yan is more powerful, but in front of Linger, he did not say so, only silent for a while.

"When the time comes, Linger will know... but I don't know when I will see her again." Tianyan sighed and shook his head quite helplessly.

Xiao Linger is born with intelligence, and he perceives the shackles of Tianyan. He asks softly: "Is the grandfather's daughter not around?"

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