"Linger girl, I finally saw you," Gu Ya smiled and stepped forward, his eyes filled with smiles. "You estimate that you are hungry. You have prepared a pastry for you. Would you like to try it?"随◢梦◢小◢.lā”

Xiao Linger looked at the pastry on the hand of Gu Gu Ya, and some bitterly wrinkled a cute little brow.

"Mothers don't let Linger eat too many sweets. Linger has already eaten today, can't eat any more."

Even if she doesn't like this Guya again, she won't do too much when the other party shows no malice, so she just politely refused her.

Moreover, Bai Yan did not let her eat too much sweets, and her words are not lying.

Gu Ya’s smile was stiff, and she quickly calmed down her mood, and her lips smiled gracefully.

"Linger, it doesn't matter. Children like these pastries. You don't have much to eat. After all, this is what you have done for you. Are you willing to let you down?"

"Auntie, why do you want me to eat these pastries? I said that I didn't eat it. Didn't you hear it?" Xiaolinger screamed at Gu Ya, her gang was banging.

In these years, under the pampering of Bai Yan, the temper is not very good. Usually, as long as she doesn't provoke her, she is still a little girl who knows how to be sensible, but when she provokes her, her little volcano will immediately break out.

Moreover, she has explicitly refused, and this aunt also wants to forcibly stuff the cakes for her.

Can she not understand people?

Gu Ya’s face changed and his mouth twitched slightly: “I don’t mean this...”

"You don't mean what it is. I have politely refused you. You want me to eat these pastries. Do you want to kill me with long teeth?" Xiaoling's watery eyes are full of anger, hands I akimbo, glaring at Gu Ya.

Such a shrew's action, fell on the little Linger's body, but it looks smart and cute, delicate and pretty.

"Linger, you misunderstood, I am just..." Gu Ya flustered to explain something, but looking at Xiaoling's full face with anger, her voice suddenly lingered in her throat, not up and down of.

She just wants to please her.

After all, this girl is a person who is in the sight of Tian Yan. She thinks that she loves the house and Wu to please her. Tian Yan will look at her more.

But what she didn't think was that this girl was so difficult to get it, and she was so low-spirited that she could not get her trust.

"I call your aunt because the mother taught me to be polite, but you have to fight my idea. Although I am young, I am not a fool like my second brother and my aunt. I don't have such a good deception."

Xiao Linger’s gang was still mad. When she thought that Gu Ya wanted to harm her long teeth, her little volcano almost erupted, and her big eyes were full of anger.

Oh, sure enough, her feelings are not wrong. This woman is not a good person at first glance.

Still have to give sweets to her.

Of course, if there is a second brother here, it is estimated that she is holding a pastry and she is gone, she is not sold when she is sold...


Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind the little Linger.

At the moment when the sound came, Gu Ya’s body suddenly froze. She raised her head a little bit. In a moment, the handsome and flustered face of the man fell into her eyes.

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