It also made her heart tremble a bit. *With *dream*small*.lā

She bit her lip and finally looked at the eye, turned and walked toward the outside of the lord's house.

Just as she turned around, tears flowed down and she wet her face.


Until the disappearance of Gu Ya’s figure, Tian Yan’s singer was low, and the sturdy and indifferent scorpion looked at Xiao Ling’s moment and turned into a hot spring.

"Linger, tell Grandpa, why don't you like Gu Ya? Is it what she did to you?"

Although he doesn't like Gu Ya, but... Xiaoling is just a child.

If she doesn't like a person, it must be what this person did to her.

He must ask this question!

No one can bully the child he received from Tianyan!

Xiao Linger bit her finger and looked at Tianyan with her small head: "Because she doesn't like me either, she doesn't like me, why should I like her?"

After a sigh of relief, he asked: "Guya doesn't like you? How did you see it?"

"Mother said, a person's eyes will not lie, she has been laughing at me, but she does not smile in her eyes, this is not really like, whether it is a mother, two brothers, or Those who are jealous, even Grandpa, you are like this... When you look at me laughing, your eyes are all laughing, that is what you really like."

Tianyan was silent. He looked down at the pink and tender baby in front of him. He didn’t know what he was thinking.

Xiao Linger once again said: "Grandpa, haven't you found out? The aunt has always used false feelings against me. She doesn't really like me, and... whenever the big brother wants to count people, in the eyes They all have the same light as her, I always think she is calculating me..."

Unfortunately, this aunt's ability is too weak. I can't count on her, I guess I can only lie to people like my brother and aunt...

"You are a girl..." Tian Yan smiled abruptly. "The young age is so smart. Looking at you, I always think of my grandson. I always feel that you must see you. You are all It’s such a smart person, it’s not difficult to get along.”

"not good."

Little Linger shook her head reluctantly.

"Why?" Tian Yan asked curiously.

Xiao Linger bit her finger and meditated for a moment: "Because Linger is cute and clever, what should I do if my little brother wants to turn Linger away after seeing Linger?" He and his two brothers will rush to interrupt his leg. ""

When I said this, Xiao Linger’s expression was very serious, just like she was really thinking about Tianyan.

Tianyan suddenly lost his laughter, and this little guy’s narcissistic appearance is so popular.

I really like it more and more...

"You and your brother have not let you touch men for a lifetime?"

Xiao Linger nodded. "Yeah, they don't allow other brothers to abduct Linger."

"This is really a joke!" Tian Yan was angry. "How can they stop you from finding true love? Although you are younger now, you will not encounter the right man in the future. At that time, they still want to be awesome. No, after seeing you and your brother, I must educate and educate them! Let them not limit your freedom."

Tianyan wants to turn this girl back to his home...

Anyway, he has a grandson who will introduce them later, provided that he must twist the thoughts of the brothers and brothers.

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