Study room.

Tianyan rushed in and saw a black man who was already waiting for him quietly.

After seeing his appearance, the old man turned his head and his eyes fell on his handsome face. He shook his fist: "The lord, I just got the news, it is said that... there is a place on the hill north of the field. Relics, the ruins seem to be related to the woman you are looking for."

When he was inflamed, he slowly closed his eyes...

Thousands of years ago, he sealed the export of various fields with his body and restricted the travel of the lords in order to calm the war.


What he paid for it was degenerate.

As soon as I thought about all the past, Tian Yan smiled a bit, and there seemed to be bitterness in his mouth, which made his heart full of bitterness.

I still remember that day, his soul floated between the heavens and the earth, and unintentionally found the woman in red standing on the top of the sky and watching the sentient beings...

It turns out that all their lives are in her eyes. She is a watching person and laughs at the world.

On that day, the sun was just right, the red woman looked down at her, her lips seemed to have a smile, and asked him plainly and ironically: "Is it worth it?"

He said: "Even if I give me another chance, I will still use my own body to change the peace of the world."

The woman walked down from the clouds and walked in step by step.

It is clear that both sides are souls without attacking power, but from this woman, he feels the pressure that has never been seen before.

This kind of pressure is something that Tianyan has never seen before...

"You are a very interesting person. My soul has been floating in the world for many years. I have never seen such an interesting person, and I have not seen you watching your play for so long."

"You have been dead for many years? Then why don't you reincarnate?"

"Reincarnation?" The woman sneered, and the eyebrows dominated Hang Seng, condescending. "I will start from the beginning after reincarnation. How can I be willing to waste my body? I would rather be alone and drift around the world, and I don't want to spend time on reincarnation."

He was silent for a long time: "But this way, you can't experience the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the human world. What is the meaning of such a life? You are alone in this wandering here, no one is accompanying, isn't it lonely? Even if it is to be an ordinary person, at least there is warmth, much better than your current situation... Moreover, since you were so strong during your lifetime, how can you be ordinary after reincarnation?"

The woman has not spoken for a long time.

After a while, she laughed.

Her smile can be described as earth-shattering, and the world will become eclipsed with a smile. ..

"There is also reason to say, I have been tired for so many years of wandering... Tian Yan, I have a relationship with you, I have not seen such an interesting person for a long time, if I really went to reincarnation... maybe we will come Can also be a family, hahaha!"

The laughter of a woman is very domineering, and the heavens and the earth seem to be moving for her.

Just as he was slightly stunned, the woman had already arrived in front of him, and the smile was swaying in the corner of her lips, but the rising lips and lips showed her arrogant temper.

"I have left a thing in your field, such as if you can break through as a lord in the future, such a thing... even if you click through my thanks."


In the past, like a fast lens, it seems to have passed through Tian Yan’s mind, which makes his bitter smile even worse.

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