"Miss, tell me, what happened?"

Gu Lao clenched his fist and asked with resentment. ~With~dream~small~say~щ~~lā

Gu Ya raised tears in her eyes and bitterly hung on her lips: "Linger’s mother came in, that woman... is the one I have ever seen the most beautiful."

"What do you mean... that woman who wants to go to heaven with her daughter is really looking for it?" Gu Lao’s eyes flashed in anger. "I thought she wanted to let her daughter climb the dragon. Now it seems that she is herself. I want to be the lord's wife, and I plan to use my daughter to get the lord's favor first. The sweet girl is cute and the lord will like her. Normal."

Gu old snorted and continued: "But... this little girl has become a tool for her mother! Just to step into the sky! Miss, you can rest assured, I will not let anyone steal your lord! Who dares to grab, I will kill her!"

His maintenance of Gu Ya has reached a level of metamorphosis. He only knows that anyone who is guilty of Gu Yaya must die!

Gu Ya’s body was stiff and slowly lowered his head: “And... Gu Gu, Ying Ying threatened me and told me to tell the Lord everything I did.”

"Threaten you? She also matches?" Gu old sneered, "Whoever came up with the way to let the lord come back, no matter who found the reincarnation of the lord, but the person who led the Lord is you, this credit is you The butterfly should also take credit for it, which proves that she is not really considering it for the lord. I really don’t know how the lord is so stupid, so that a woman with such a bad heart is around!”

Gu Ya is silent.

At the beginning, she was only a negligible person, even when she was with the lord.

How can a powerful man notice a weak presence? ..

If she had not heard the conversations of several elders before, she could not have the chance to become the benefactor of the lord, and it was even less likely to come to her side...

But no matter what, she robbed them of their merits, in case the butterfly really told the lord...

Then she... how to accompany the lord.

Thinking about this, a flustered stroke from Gu Ya's eyes, she bit her lip: "No, absolutely not, I can't let Yingdie say this thing... Gu Lao, what should I do?"

Her eyes were full of panic, clutching the old sleeves of Gu, and even the sound was shaking.

The identity of the benefactor... is that she grabbed it from someone else! Losing this identity, the lord is not so tolerant of her...

Gu Lao’s distressed patted the back of Gu Ya’s back: “Miss, you can rest assured, I will not give them this opportunity, I will use all to protect my happiness.”

His life was saved by the lady, and his life was destined to live for the lady.

Even if it is to give life, as long as she can get happiness, he will have no regrets...

The dawn of Gu Lao is getting more and more determined, and finally he has the choice of dying.

"Gu Lao, thank you, I am much better," Gu Ya loosened the old sleeves of Gu Gu. Her eyes were red and red, and her face was gracefully smiling. "Fortunately, you are there, let me know." This is the world, I am not alone, but ... you should not look for the trouble of Ying Ying, they have the protection of the lord, I am afraid that you will be in danger..."

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